リリアナ リーさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "Among the trainees I’m supporting in CHUANG Asia 2 are Tadari and Bianura. The reason is that they are interesting. I was happy that Maison B and Bianura were together in the orange team."
俺がCHUANG Asia2で応援している練習生の中にタダリーとビアヌラ、おる 理由 おもろいから オレンジチームでMaison Bとビアヌラ一緒で嬉しかった
The translation of the tweet is: "It's absolutely impossible, but I want YEAN and Liliana Lee to come to YEAN's birthday event ←(!?)"
Stage EP2: QIAO YIYU & LILIANA LI & NATTY & ÁNH SÁNG "BAD GUY"【CHUANG ASIA】 youtu.be/MT58MhZXKxg?si… I keep thinking no matter how many times I watch it, I can't believe they were able to debut with this song.
Last week at Milan Fashion Week, next to TWICE's Sana, there was someone standing there!!! Could it be WIN-san? (on the right in the photo) WIN-san, the person who collaborated with ELYN, DUNA, YEAN, and others at CHUANG Asia 2024. The person who made LILIANA LI extremely embarrassed. Yeah! He's definitely handsome!! pic.twitter.com/dkqdYgj0t8
✨CHUANG ASIA✨ 【5/26】Popularity vote ranking 1st #Lisa 2nd #ChaCha 2nd #Tianshengning 4th #LilianaLi 4th #Luan kpopjuice.com/member/lissa/ #chuang #ProduceCampAsia
✨CHUANG ASIA✨ 【5/6】Popularity Ranking 5th #Liliana Lee (↓1) 7th #Kays (↓3) 7th #Prim (↓3) 7th #Wan Shenshi (↓3) 7th #Mao Shulin (↓3) kpopjuice.com/member/liliana… #chuang #ProduceCampAsia
Liliana Li, Chuang Asia Journey.
Liliana Li Shi Tian ~ CHUANG ASIA JOURNEY youtu.be/zD8UkvwvIYs?si… via @YouTube
I watched episode 9 of Chuang Asia because I had fun last time~ It was sudden, but I ended up crying. My favorites Liliana and Jaoying both moved up in rank, but it was a close call 😭 But both of them had a wonderful attitude towards saying goodbye to the winners. Liliana was bright and lively, while Jaoying-chan had a smile.
✨CHUANG ASIA✨ 【3/30】Popularity ranking 6th #Keis (↑2) 6th #Arjin (↑2) 6th #Liliana Lee (↑9) 6th #E-U (↑4) 6th #Periwinkle (↑9) kpopjuice.com/member/caith/ #chuang #ProduceCampAsia
✨CHUANG ASIA✨ 【3/25】Popularity ranking 6th #Tian Shenning (↑1) 7th #Erin (↓3) 8th #Cha Cha 9th #Jasmine 10th #Liliana Li (↑7) kpopjuice.com/member/tian_xu… #chuang #ProduceCampAsia