Coming soon ...
2025/03/15 2部 DIGNITY ルオ もっとキラキラなルオくん撮りたいのに😭 腕磨かなきゃだ!! #DIGNITY #ルオ pic.x.com/CKkfHOtoke
The translation of the tweet is: "March 15, 2025, Part 2 DIGNITY. I want to take more sparkling pictures of Ruoh-kun, but I need to improve my skills!! #DIGNITY #Ruoh" (Note: "Ruoh" is a name and may not have a direct translation.)
ルオ、ミンソク、ルーク、オン、ヒョンジンみんな本当にお疲れ様でした✨ いつも幸せな気持ちにさせてくれるDIGNITYが大好きだよ〜 PCSの皆さんもKステのスタッフさんも、TYerも👏👏👏 会場で話してくれるかわいい妹達も😚 またみんな元気で会おうね〜🩷 x.com/DIGNITY_JP/sta…
"Ruo, Minseok, Luke, On, Hyunjin, thank you all so much for your hard work✨ I really love DIGNITY for always making me feel happy~ To everyone at PCS, the K-stage staff, and TYers, applause👏👏👏 And to the cute younger sisters who talk to us at the venue😚 Let's all meet again in good spirits~🩷"
2025/03/15 2部 DIGNITY 推しはルオくんに決めたけど、ルークもミンソクもすごく気になるんだよな~🥰 マンネのくるくるふわふわのモリがすごーくかわいかったし✨ #DIGNITY pic.x.com/OkivVgXwol
The tweet translates to: "2025/03/15 Part 2 DIGNITY I've decided to support Ruoh-kun, but I'm really curious about Luke and Minseok too~ 🥰 The maknae's curly, fluffy Mori was super cute✨ #DIGNITY pic.x.com/OkivVgXwol"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Dignity Check Exchange [Offering] ON [Looking for] LUO I hope to hand it over at the venue today!! Please feel free to reply or DM me. #DIGNITY #ディグニティ #디그니티" (Note: The link at the end appears to be a placeholder for an image or media.)
The tweet translates to: "DIGNITY 디그니티 ディグニティ Check exchange. Offering: Luk, Luo, Hyunjin. Seeking: Minseok. If anyone is able to exchange, please let me know 🥺 #DIGNITY #디그니티 #ディグニティ" (Note: The image link at the end is not translated as it is a URL.)
Here's the translation of the tweet: "DIGNITY Photo Card Exchange Offering: Image 1 Looking for: [Animals] Priority: Luke, plain background [Suit] Images of Luo, Hyunjin, and the opposite of Luke [Casual Wear] Luke in a white T-shirt, Hyunjin in casual wear If anyone is able to exchange, please contact me! #DIGNITY #디그니티 #ディグニティ" pic.x.com/4TNaq6xscm
夜はDIGNITY〜 ルクのソロステージAPT.のラストにメンバーが登場して盛り上げるんだけど、まさかのルオが側転で出てきてかっさらっていった😂😂😂 お姫様だったのに...と突然のキャラ変に困惑するメンバー達www ルクはいつかルオのバラード曲の後ろで仕返しするらしいw #DIGNITY #디그니티 #민석 pic.x.com/rBaY4XNfFV
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Tonight is DIGNITY~ At the end of the solo stage of Ruku, the members appeared to hype things up, but unexpectedly, Ruo came out doing a cartwheel and stole the show 😂😂😂 They were all confused by the sudden character change, especially since she was like a princess... www It seems Ruku plans to get back at Ruo someday during her ballad song w #DIGNITY #디그니티 #민석 pic.x.com/rBaY4XNfFV"
[Dignity-LOG]LUO和SEVENUS熙宰的春節約會 VLOG✨ 🔗 youtu.be/rf3Akanu9l4 #DIGNITY #디그니티 #LUO #루오 #SEVENUS #세븐어스 #HEEJAE #희재 x.com/dgnt_official/…
The tweet translates to: "[Dignity-LOG] LUO and SEVENUS Heejae's Spring Festival Date VLOG✨ 🔗 youtu.be/rf3Akanu9l4 #DIGNITY #디그니티 #LUO #루오 #SEVENUS #세븐어스 #HEEJAE #희재" (Note: The link and hashtags remain unchanged as they are proper nouns and URLs.)
250307 DIGNITY 官方 X 更新 [DIGNITY-LOG] LUO和SEVENUS熙宰的春節假期約會 VLOG✨ ✨ 🔗 youtu.be/rf3Akanu9l4 #DIGNITY #디그니티 #LUO #루오 #SEVENUS #세븐어스 #HEEJAE #희재 x.com/dgnt_official/…
The tweet translates to: "250307 DIGNITY Official X Update [DIGNITY-LOG] LUO and SEVENUS Heejae's Spring Festival holiday date VLOG✨✨ 🔗 youtu.be/rf3Akanu9l4 #DIGNITY #디그니티 #LUO #루오 #SEVENUS #세븐어스 #HEEJAE #희재"