丸林 健太さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ダンス、ラップ、スケボー、UFOキャッチャー |
特技 | ダンス、ラップ |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Maeda Hiroto... you will become the Sakura-ba Haruka of the Japan Project... Hino Kenta... you will become the Takahata Momoka of the Japan Project..."
前田大翔………君は日プの桜庭遥花になるんや…………… 日野健太………君は日プの髙畠百加になるんや……………
The tweet translates to: "I added JBJ's Takada Kenta as ③.5... I was watching the domestic Produce 101 Season 2 with my life on the line..."
JBJ 髙田健太さんを、③.⑤として追加で……………本国プデュⅡを命賭けて見てました………
Here's the translation of the tweet: "LOVE COUNTDOWN review by the choreographer. (In Korean) So it was choreographed by MOTF! The leader, who is familiar to those in the Orbi community, met Sanggyun during the choreography for Produce, and apparently also did the choreography for Tap Talk. A choreography review of KENTA SANGGYUN - LOVE COUNTDOWN told directly by the choreographer: youtu.be/bXIAdDTgbSc?si…"
振付師さんによるLOVE COUNTDOWNレビュー。 (韓国語) 振付MOTFさんだったのね! おるびの方ではおなじみの団長さん、プデュの振付でサンギュニに会ってて、タプトクの振付もしてたらしい。 안무가가 직접 들려주는 KENTA SANGGYUN - LOVE COUNTDOWN 안무리뷰 youtu.be/bXIAdDTgbSc?si…
Happy BirthDay #KENTA🎉🎉 #丸林健太 さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ 丸林健太さんは23歳になります😘 kpopjuice.com/member/marubay… #Happy_KENTA_day #HappyKENTAday #PRODUCE101JAPANSEASON2
Happy Birthday #KENTA 🎉🎉 Happy birthday to Mr. Kenta Marubayashi! ✨✨ He turns 23 years old today. 😘 #Happy_KENTA_day #HappyKENTAday #PRODUCE101JAPANSEASON2
"Watching episode 4 of 'Nippon Produce 2.' Haru practicing on the balcony is so cute—ah, seriously adorable. Also, I really love Kenta Matsumura (^_^) Mori-kun is just too handsome (n)."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Yesterday's symposium! President Che! Don't forget Kenta Muramatsu from MA at the Japan-Philippines alumni meeting! Mr. Contest three-time champion! Muraken is challenging the world tournament! He also appears in the movie BLUEFIGHT 🥊 @lapone_info @official__INI @Mikuruasakura_ @muraken_aloha #LAPONESYMPOSIUM x.com/muraken_aloha/…"
"After going to Park Ji-hoon's fan meeting, I've been reminiscing about Produce 101 Season 2. I've even changed my name to Takada Kenta."
The translation of the tweet is: "I feel like Kenta has a chance if there’s a recent opportunity."
"I'm rewatching 'Produce 101 Japan' and I just realized something that feels really late, but I wonder if Yonashiro-san dancing to 'Rockin' is influenced by Kenta? 【Sato Keigo VS Yonashiro Sho】 Pedometer Dance Battle | PRODUCE 101 JAPAN youtu.be/US1dMhuZF90?si… @YouTube"
The tweet translates to: "I got really curious about this person named Muraken (Kenta Muramatsu) because he's just too much of an entertainer, lol. Produce... Mr. World 1...! Breaking Down...!? Enka and hula dancing too!? His character is just too intense, lol. Honestly, he was super funny. It lifted my spirits!"
"Join the live stream by Kentaro Muramatsu from 'Nippon Produce 2'! Let's participate in Mimi-chan's MixChannel live! #MixChannel"