Coming soon ...
kanompang(カノンパン)🍞🥐ちゃんが、chuangasiaにも出てたMINDYさん応援に行って、パンダちゃんとのショットやMINDYのmingmingさん、PREAWさんとの写真あげてる👀✨✨ @pateera2007 #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #kanompang #カノンパン #MINDY x.com/pateera2007/st…
The tweet translates to: "Kanompang-chan (カノンパン) 🍞🥐 went to support MINDY, who was also featured in CHUANG Asia, and posted photos with Panda-chan and with MINDY's mingming and PREAW 👀✨✨ @pateera2007 #CHUANGAsia #創造営2024 #kanompang #カノンパン #MINDY x.com/pateera2007/st…"
It seems like Mingming-chan and ILENE-chan were watching the Gen1es stage, and I was able to meet them when it ended 😭🫶 Aww, I love the bond of ChuangAsia so much 😭
Mingming from CHUANG ASIA looks like Han Cong, a Chinese pair figure skater (I'm not comparing them, probably they don't actually look alike) who is sick.