コメント | 두려워하지 말고 계속 도전하자,비주얼담당 ,명타민 ,열정!열정!열정! |
Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "Crying a lot over Myunghyun's return."
ミョンヒョンソ復帰で大泣き pic.x.com/zpW6QKgay5
CLASSy トレカ 譲渡 買取 交換 【譲】ヒョンソ チェウォン ヘジュ リウォン ジミン ソニュ 【求】ボウン 郵送でのお取引となります。お気軽にリプまたはDMにてお声掛けください!#classy #classy交換 #클라씨 #トレカ交換 pic.x.com/hY98AGyUm7
CLASSy trading cards for transfer, purchase, and exchange [Offering] Hyunso, Chaewon, Heju, Riwon, Jimin, Sonyu [Looking for] Boun Transactions will be conducted via mail. Feel free to reply or DM me! #classy #classyexchange #클라씨 #トレカ交換 pic.x.com/hY98AGyUm7
【Mercari】Introducing a variety of items including Cheki and various fan goods!! PR Product Name: Myung Hyeongseo Autographed 2L Size Photo… Selling Price: 15,080 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m15508252…
【メルカリ】チェキやさまざまなファングッズなど 多数紹介中!! PR 商品名: ミョン・ヒョンソ直筆サイン入り2Lサイズ写真…Myung Hyeongseo… 販売価格: 15080円 jp.mercari.com/item/m15508252…
"It's worth paying money just to meet Hyunso from Classy."
【Mercari】Introducing a variety of items including Cheki and various fan goods!! PR Product Name: Myung Hyeongseo Autographed 2L Size Photo… Selling Price: 15,080 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m15508252…
Here’s the translation of the tweet text: "[Mercari] Introducing a variety of items including Cheki and various fan goods!! PR Product Name: Myung Hyeongseo Autographed 2L Size Photo… Selling Price: 15,080 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m15508252…"
The translation of the tweet is: "You see, this is why I really love Myunghyunso..."
【Recently listed idol merchandise on Mercari】PR Product name: Myung Hyeongseo autographed 2L size photo… Selling price: 13,572 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m15508252…
The tweet translates to: "Hyunso's K-pop tastes that he talks about in DMs are just too good. I was also drawn to K-pop from that era and haven't been able to escape from it. I ended up getting deeply into Classy, and it's tough."
The tweet translates to: "Classy lovexx trading cards exchange 【Offering】 Hyunso, Heju 【Looking for】 Chaewon. I hope to exchange via mail (same-day shipping). Please feel free to reach out!"
The tweet translates to: "Introducing a variety of idol-related goods! A 2L size photo signed by Myung Hyun-seo... Selling price: 13,572 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m15508252..."