岡本 怜さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 映画鑑賞、ダンス |
特技 | 天ぷらを揚げる |
Coming soon ...
日プ無印は蓮くんがいなかったら成り立たなかったよな… 支柱というか本当にいてくれて良かった じゃないと続かなかったような気もするし そして後ろの汐恩が痩せている 現在の方が好き 【川尻 蓮(Kawashiri Ren)】福岡l~ツカメ It's Coming~l推しカメラ youtu.be/p8D8abSiYC0?si… @YouTubeより
The tweet translates to: "Without Ren-kun, the 'Nippon Produce' wouldn't have been able to stand. I'm really glad he was there as a support; otherwise, I feel like it wouldn't have continued. Also, Shion in the back looks slimmer. I prefer the current version. 【Kawashiri Ren】 Fukuoka l~Tsukame It's Coming~l support camera youtu.be/p8D8abSiYC0?si… @YouTube"
Good morning, KnockOut 💙 I can't believe I've been able to support JO1 without getting bored since Produce. 🫶🏻 Forever JAM ✨ #KnockOut #Happy5thAnniversaryJO1 #JO1_DEBUT_5thANNIV #JO1_We_GototheTop #JO1 [𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐉] ORIGINAL: 'Knock Out' – REN youtu.be/jMrYfYeNBMM?si… @YouTube
おはようのKnockOut💙 プデュから今までよくもここまで飽きずにJO1を推してこれたなと思うよ🫶🏻 一生JAM✨ #KnockOut #JO1デビュー5周年おめでとう #JO1_DEBUT_5thANNIV #JO1_We_GototheTop #JO1 [𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐍𝐉] ORIGINAL:'Knock Out' – REN youtu.be/jMrYfYeNBMM?si… @YouTube
The success of "Nippon Project" is often attributed to Kawashiri Ren, and I really think that's true. Thank you for chasing your dreams, applying to Nippon Project, and becoming JO1. #HappyRenDay #KingOfStage_Ren #ReadyToTakeOff_Ren 【Kawashiri Ren】 Fukuoka l~Tsukame It's Coming~l Support Camera youtu.be/p8D8abSiYC0?si… pic.x.com/Wibn5TlJFJ
日プの成功は川尻蓮のおかげってよく見かけるけど、本当にその通りだなと思います。 夢を追いかけて、日プに応募して、JO1になってくれてありがとう #HappyRenDay #KingOfStage_Ren #ReadyToTakeOff_Ren 【川尻 蓮(Kawashiri Ren)】福岡l~ツカメ It's Coming~l推しカメラ youtu.be/p8D8abSiYC0?si… pic.x.com/Wibn5TlJFJ
"I feel grateful to have met Ren, and at the same time, meeting the fandom organization REN's BACKERS, who have continuously supported and backed Ren since the days of 'Produce 101 Japan,' is a lifelong treasure..."
蓮さんに出会えて良かったと思うのと同時に日プの頃からずっと変わらず蓮さんを応援し支え続けているファンダム運営REN’s BACKERSさんに出会えたことは一生の宝…
Here's the translation of the tweet: "REN-kun 💙 HAPPY BIRTHDAY 🎉🎉 I am truly happy to have been able to support you since 'Nippon Produce' and to celebrate your birthday 🎂 like this again this year! ❣️ Of course, I will continue to follow you forever 🥹 I hope this year will be wonderful for you... 🥂 #HappyRenDay #KingOfStage_Ren #ReadyToTakeOff_Ren"
REN君💙HAPPY BIRTHDAY🎉🎉 日プからずっと応援出来てる事も、 今年もこうして、蓮君の誕生日🎂をお祝い出来る事も本当に幸せです❣️ もちろんこれからもず〜っと着いていきます🥹 蓮君にとって素敵な一年になります様に。。。。🥂 #HappyRenDay #KingOfStage_Ren #ReadyToTakeOff_Ren pic.x.com/eU34aXL4LK
まぼろし~😆プデュ思い出した✨ #GiveMeYourDay #JO1 #川尻蓮 Leminoで「【KAWASHIRI REN】LAPOSTA 2025 SHOW PRODUCED by KAWASHIRI REN [ Give me your day ]」を見よう! lemino.docomo.ne.jp/contents/Y3JpZ… #Lemino
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Illusion~ 😆 It reminds me of Produce 101✨ #GiveMeYourDay #JO1 #KawashiriRen Let's watch '[KAWASHIRI REN] LAPOSTA 2025 SHOW PRODUCED by KAWASHIRI REN [Give me your day]' on Lemino! lemino.docomo.ne.jp/contents/Y3JpZ… #Lemino"
"I started watching 'Produce Japan 2' around the end of the online contact period, so I couldn't vote at all. But I really wanted to see Okamoto Rei-kun make it to the top 60. Also, I found out about Nishiyama-kun after the online contact results were announced, and I wondered why he got eliminated with that level of talent...?"
"I started watching 'Produce Japan 2' around the end of the online contact period, so I couldn't vote at all. But I really wanted to see Okamoto Rei-kun make it to the top 60. Also, I found out about Nishiyama-kun after the online contact results were announced, and I wondered why he got eliminated with that level of talent...?"