Coming soon ...
チェルシー、今シーズン2度目の引き分け(無敗) まいかはシービリの疲れを考慮してかベンチ外、同じくシービリ組のラミレスとマカリオもベンチスタート
The tweet translates to: "Unexpectedly, Otōja, Anija, and Otsuichi's 'Factorio' Season 2 [2BRO.] youtube.com/live/KLAv2rDVb… It's soothing to watch when you're tired."
【まさかの】弟者,兄者,おついちの「Factorio(ファクトリオ)」シーズン2【2BRO.】 youtube.com/live/KLAv2rDVb… 疲れたときに流すと癒やされる
"I want to see the true identity, and I’ll be able to watch Mad Max: Furiosa, plus Squid Game Season 3 is in June. Wednesday Season 2 and Stranger Things Season 5 are also coming this year. I just found out that Black Mirror Season 7 will also be released this year, so it seems like I’ll be subscribing to Netflix more months than not this year! 🎥🍿"
"I think Blue Archive is just a patchwork that tried to cover up the fact that the core scenario was completely broken during the KV incident. Originally, there was probably supposed to be a huge Season 2, but since it fell apart, the 'Hyakka Ryouran' event was wrapped up on its own, and it feels like they're stretching things out with 'Nananin no Shuu' while wrapping up Rio and Seiya in events."
Here’s the translation of the tweet text: "Spirit Chronicles | Season 2 Episode 12: To the Destiny of Tomorrow abema.app/FPy1 ① I wanted to thank you for a long time ② Ignorance is bliss ③ Forget about Rio ④ The princess cried, how sad ⑤ I can't hold my head up ⑥ Did the duke get saved? ⑦ The blonde girl must be shocked ⑧ Seriously, princess carry ⑨ Even the teacher doesn't know the past grudges"
The tweet translates to: "In sports and human aspects, I struggled with pressure and couldn't hit strikes during camp, starting the season in the second team. In July, I pitched 32 innings without allowing any runs and was named monthly MVP. It takes courage to throw 60% fastballs, but it's my specialty along with Hiroto Takahashi."
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "#AnimeReview #SeireiGensouki Season 2 Episode 11: Clash. Flora realizes Rio's true identity, but what will happen to their relationship going forward? The battle between Rio and Lucius ends unfinished, but will the future developments follow the novel? abema.tv/video/episode/…"
#AnimeReview #SeireiGensouki Season 2 Episode 11 was an intense clash. Rio's overwhelming strength was impressive in this episode. Lucius was supposed to be strong too, but he was completely overpowered. Throughout, Rio remained calm, but there were flashback scenes from Season 1 that conveyed his anger as well! I'm curious to see how Rio will achieve his revenge moving forward!
#AnimeReview #SeireiGensouki Season 2 Episode 10 "Fateful Rival" Yuusha Hiroaki is really doing his best. He's moving like a true protagonist (laughs). Rio's determination is being emphasized. In a situation where Flora is captured by Lucius, the development leading to the confrontation with Rio raises expectations for the action scenes!! Alphonse isn't getting much action...
"Factoryio, I expected this timing when starting Season 2, but it's impossible to finish it within this year. For now, I'm also aiming for the same pace of one white pack every 2 seconds."
The translation of the tweet is: "Riorine 🦑 Game parody. I'm looking forward to Season 2 soon~~"
The translation of the tweet is: "And the first place for the City League 2025 Season 2 is...!! It is 【Rio】!! 🎉 Comment: 'Lost until the end!' Congratulations on your victory!! 🎉🎊" (Note: The link at the end is not translated as it is a URL.)
The tweet translates to: "I was desperately trying not to get overwhelmed by the Season 2 rules of Tetrio, but recently I've been gradually succumbing to them. Help me..."
"Samurai Ho ⚾👏 Big victory against America ⚾👏 Today was all about Kōzono! He has only 2 home runs this season, but hit 2 home runs today, lol. I wanted to see a bit more of Takahashi Hiroto ⟵ Let's win against Venezuela tomorrow and advance to the finals!! #Premier12 #SamuraiJapan"
歌もダンスも上手だったからこれからも頑張って下さい(* ´ ▽ ` *)ノ