佐久間 司紗さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
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Coming soon ...
日プやOWVでの佐久間くんは浦野くんなのね(?)※初日にやられる人 youtu.be/uO4IzPQ-sSk?si…
The tweet translates to: "For 'Nijipuro 2', my number one pick was Sakuma, and the current members are Nishi, MJ, Fenfan, Sano, and Taji, so they're almost all my favorite members, but I'm really sorry for not keeping up with their activities..."
日プ2また見てまーーーーーす! グループバトルのりーくん×タケチ(りーくん風に)熱い🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹佐久間司紗くん好きやったなぁー。つかぽーん!!!
"I'm watching 'Nippon Produce 2' again!!! The group battle with Rikun x Takechi (in Rikun's style) is so intense 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 I really liked Sakuma Tsukasa. Tsukapon!!!"
The tweet translates to: "Sakuma Tsukasa-kun from 2pick fell out during the first ranking announcement... I was watching in real-time and would have voted, I'm sorry..."
The tweet translates to: "That moment in 'Nijisanji Project 2' where Sakuma-san was laughing out loud at Muramatsu-san's shy smile while they were being considerate of each other was really fun and made me happy."
In "Nippon Produce 2," my favorite was Sakuma Tsukasa.
The tweet translates to: "I knew Sakuma-san was in 'Koi Boku,' but I forgot, and the moment he appeared, I choked on my popcorn. I was shocked to see Sudou Saku from 'Nijipuro,' and as always, I still like Ohnishi Ryuusei's face."
"I like Thursday's 'Lavit' and that's why I like Leo-kun, but I don't know the other members. I can only match faces and names for three members of Snow Man: Tachi, Sakuma, and Silent. Until recently, I thought 'SixTONES' was pronounced 'Shikustones.' After their debut, I tend to lose interest in people from 'Nijipuro'."
The translation of the tweet is: "Looking back at 'Nippon Produce 2', I can't help but think how much I wanted to see a world where Sakuma Tsukasa becomes an idol."
"I recently watched 'Nippon Project 2' late, so I haven't been able to vote yet, but the ones I was interested in are Shoya Fukuda, Tsukasa Sakuma, Kanobu Terao, Mizuki Shinohara, Takumi Ozaki, and Yongfan Xu 🧡💜 I watched all the INI folders and MVs! #INI #MINI"
"I couldn't help but laugh because Sakuma-san is holding the microphone the same way as Nakano Miyu-chan from 'Nijisanji Project'! lol #SnowEnthusiasmWarning"
Happy Birthday #TSUKASA 🎉🎉 Happy birthday to Ms. Tsukasa Sakuma! ✨✨ Ms. Tsukasa Sakuma is turning 24 years old. 😘 kpopjuice.com/member/sakumat… #Happy_TSUKASA_day #HappyTSUKASAday #PRODUCE101JAPANSEASON2
"I was completely hooked on i-LAND, so I’m amazed every time I see Taki's growth. During the 1-on-1 battle, Taki and Sakuma-kun did a fist bump, and since I’ve been interested in Nishi-kun ever since watching the final episode of PD Season 2 on TV, I was so excited when I finally saw the two of them on the same screen for a moment (I want to see more). It was a wonderful experience for me on Music Day!"
I'm watching Nippon TV 2, but my 2nd pick, Shikuma Tsukasa, dropped out in the first round. It's strange, it's sad. What is Sakuma-kun doing now?