Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "The position of Soy's twin tails and Rina's ponytail is so perfectly aligned that it feels great. H1-KEY - Rose Blossom Stage CAM | H1-KEY 1ST FAN CONCERT [Find my KEY] IN SEOUL youtube.com/watch?v=rJzJjX… pic.x.com/G0SFlDCf8v"
ソイのツインテの位置と、リイナのポニテの位置、ここまで綺麗に正解だと気持ちいい H1-KEY(하이키) - 건물 사이에 피어난 장미(Rose Blossom) Stage CAM | H1-KEY 1ST FAN CONCERT [Find my KEY] IN SEOUL youtube.com/watch?v=rJzJjX… pic.x.com/G0SFlDCf8v
#H1KEY #ソイ 様着用😻☸ #varzar の VA Square Longlabel Shapka Hat VA ✨ H1-KEYの頼れるリーダー✨ソイ様がVA Square Longlabel Shapka Hat VAのブラックカラーをかっこよく着用してくださいました😎🖤… pic.x.com/379Dzaw4E6
Here's the translation of the tweet: "#H1KEY #Soy wearing it 😻☸ Soy, the reliable leader of H1-KEY, looks cool in the black color of the VA Square Longlabel Shapka Hat VA ✨😎🖤… pic.x.com/379Dzaw4E6"
おはようござイーロン・マスク☀ マスク氏、トランプ政権で大暴れしてるのねん Xはそっとしておいて、の朝 さて、今朝の曲は、H1-KEYのソイちゃんお誕生日"おめでとう🎉"ということで ‘Happy Birthday To You’ Covered by H1-KEY(하이키) SEOI(서이) youtu.be/UdXKrYeFAj4?si… 素敵な1日を🎵
Good morning, Elon Musk☀ It seems Mr. Musk is causing quite a stir during the Trump administration. Let's leave X alone this morning. Now, today's song is "Happy Birthday To You" covered by H1-KEY's Soy, in celebration of her birthday 🎉 youtu.be/UdXKrYeFAj4?si… Have a wonderful day! 🎵
❤️하이키 h1key 싸인폴라로이드 구매buy🥺✅ 색상이 풍부한 배경이나 실외🥺✅ ❌평범한 하얀 벽🙄💅🏻❌ DM✅ FOLLOW✅ 서이 리이나 휘서 옐 #하이키 #h1key seoi riina hwiseo yel H1-KEY ハイキー 싸인폴라로이드 signed polaroid poca polar buy wtb wts pic.x.com/BoX2Wo1IDW
❤️ Hi-Key h1key signed polaroid purchase buy 🥺✅ Colorful backgrounds or outdoors 🥺✅ ❌ Ordinary white wall 🙄💅🏻❌ DM ✅ FOLLOW ✅ Seoi, Riina, Hwiseo, Yel #하이키 #h1key seoi riina hwiseo yel H1-KEY ハイキー signed polaroid poca polar buy wtb wts pic.x.com/BoX2Wo1IDW
하이키 h1key 싸인폴라로이드 구매buy🥺✅ 색상이 풍부한 배경이나 실외🥺✅ ❌평범한 하얀 벽🙄💅🏻❌ DM✅ FOLLOW✅ 서이 리이나 휘서 옐 하이키 seoi riina hwiseo yel H1-KEY ハイキー 싸인폴라로이드 signed polaroid poca polar buy wtb wts pic.x.com/mLBnIjpTNJ
The tweet translates to: "Hi-Key h1key signed polaroid Purchase buy 🥺✅ Rich background colors or outdoors 🥺✅ ❌ Ordinary white wall 🙄💅🏻 ❌ DM ✅ FOLLOW ✅ Seoi, Riina, Hweseo, Yel H1-KEY ハイキー signed polaroid poca polar buy wtb wts pic.x.com/mLBnIjpTNJ"
마이키가 준 돌체라떼-! 얼마전에는 몸이 안좋았어서 이틀동안 쉬었는데, 그 이후에 마이쮸랑 바나나 우유 먹으라고 줘서 먹고 힘낼수 있었다는ㅜㅜ 고마워 마이키😉 덕분에 에너지 충전도 하고 피곤한것도 날아가는 같아(*゚∀゚人゚∀゚*)♪ pic.x.com/vd5tPo5CgQ
The tweet translates to: "Thank you, Maiki, for the dolce latte! I wasn't feeling well a few days ago and took a break for two days, but after that, Maiki gave me some My Chew and banana milk, which helped me regain my strength. Thanks to you, I feel recharged and my fatigue seems to have disappeared! (*゚∀゚人゚∀゚*)♪"
H1−KEYのソイちゃん大分イメチェンしたな〜 pic.x.com/QfyYPHSbuM
The tweet translates to: "Soy-chan from H1-KEY has really changed her image a lot~"
変わらないもの 변하지 않는 것 Covered by H1KEY하이키 SEOI서이 원곡 奥華子 #하이키 xnews.kr/pick/5221