島 望叶さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 音楽鑑賞 / アニメ / 米粉のスコーン・パン作り Listening to music / Watching animated films / Baking with rice flour |
特技 | ダンス / 感情表現 Dance / Expressing emotions |
コメント | 体育が苦手な体大生?!踊る時は変幻自在のカメレオンダンサー! An athletics major who's poor at exercising? She is an all-round chameleon dancer! |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Looking at the previous Saba numbers (like J-Pop, Boy Pro, and Gals Pro), I had the impression that for the original songs in the semi-finals, they usually wouldn't be used unless at least one of the kids who performed the song debuted. But could it be different this time? 💧"
The tweet translates to: "I thought I would quit Saba-bang because it was getting tough, so I pushed for Eina Pun for a year and disappeared. I watched various shows like GaruPura, BoiPura, and NipPura, but after saying goodbye to Jungwoo from One Piece on BoiPura, it was too painful. I'm really happy about the long-awaited One Piece debut!"
島2観た後でガルプラ見返すと、中華勢って直接数字を操作できなくなったが故により露骨になったMネの悪編&演出&分量減らしの被害受けまくってたなと思う。 ルイチー、フーヤーニン、シンチャオあたり本当に気の毒。
ちなみに今まで見てきた鯖番は虹プロ(ちょっと)、ガルプラ(リアタイ)、LOUD(ボイプラの推しが1回目で落ちたからそこまで)、ボイプラ(リアタイ)、島(後追い)、&A(リアタイ)、オウハイ(リアタイ)ですね... ほんとはUNDER19も見たいんだけどね... ボイプラ後からほんとに鯖番を見れるような精神ではない
The tweet translates to: "With the Zenis Girl as a trigger, the Garupla community is entering Huffman Island. This is being orchestrated behind the scenes by Sakata Industry. #FrontMission #StructureArts"
ゼニスガールをきっかけにガルプラ界隈がハフマン島に入ってくる これは裏でサカタインダストリィが動いてる #フロントミッション #ストラクチャーアーツ
The tweet translates to: "It seems like a large number of kids who are being disrespectful have started to emerge. I wonder if it's because Yochin's songs haven't been used in the flow from Garupura → Ayuneku → Nippon Project → Island 2."
The tweet translates to: "Emune, let's do Garupla. We must not make Island 2 a Garupla judgment, okay? You understand, right?"
"I watched all of Garupura, Boipura, and Island 2, so I know everyone, and I'm happy they're participating, but at the same time, I'm not sure why I'm not fully happy about it."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I'm going to be a bit harsh. Korean male fans are always surprised, but why does it turn into a bizarre creature war when Japanese women participate in voting for programs like 'Girls Planet' and 'Produce Japan'? There are various reasons like charm and skills, but still, haha. If you don't group them together like in 'Island 2', they always end up choosing the non-sale items meant for advertising 😂. They're enthusiastic within their own circle, but it doesn't resonate outside of it."
The tweet translates to: "Maybe instead of 'Girls Planet 2', 'Island 2' will be around the time of 'Boys Planet 2', which is probably around the time of ZB1's disbandment. Either way, it's still too far away."
"I simply wanted to see GaruPura 2, but since we just had Island 2, I guess that's that. If Zebe's song is chosen as the assignment song, I think it will be CRUSH (quickly)."
Recommended saba episodes: Ahak, Jisong, NijiPro, Mihi, GalPra, Yonun, BoyPra, Yujin, Nippon girls, Koto 🆕 Island 2, Jeongun
Senior Kandaniel who did Nayana, the song of Produce, naturally shouts out loud, but Island 2 was not like that and it was lonely. Gulpura O.O.O (Yeso is too cute, evolving Kaede), Produce x101 Jima (X1 ghost), Produce J's Tsukame (Kawashiri Ren-kun is talented, has a good personality, and has a great career) are particularly liked. x.com/kchartsmaster/...
Fuko-chan, I may not know much and the results may have been disappointing, but I really think you are cool as a person. I saw the footage from Galpla, and you looked like a completely different person. Fuko-chan from Island 2 was truly full of confidence, and I think that confidence must have come from the blood, sweat, and tears of hard work. I'm sure you will be rewarded for it, so keep at it.