Coming soon ...
"I replenished Ben, so I'm with my partner now. It's from season 2 or 3, so Itamin, Miura-san, and Seri are sooooo young!"
フォーレ。英次のフォーレクは忘れたくても忘れられない07年6月第409回定期の当日急病キャンセル事件。合唱指揮の三浦先生が指揮をして後半のブラ4は当時のコンマス長原さんが弾き振りしました。このシーズン2回目のキャンセルで、当時パッツンパッツンだった英次がこのあと痩せて健康体になるの。 pic.x.com/r6v9ecsd6T
ソウダイくんの曲だー!好き!! 色のトーンが印象的💜✨ #SODAI #三浦颯大 #ソウダイ x.com/sodai_1025/sta…
The tweet translates to: "It's a song by Soudai-kun! I love it!! The tone of the colors is impressive 💜✨ #SODAI #MiuraSoudai #Soudai"
The translation of the tweet is: "It's not Miura Soudai, and it's not Soudai, it's sodai."
このコンセプトの三浦颯大大好きすぎるかもしれない🥹 pic.x.com/1XO23XJrJq
"I might love this concept of Hayate Miura too much 🥹"
"Soudai-kun! Sean-kun! Thank you for the banana collaboration 🍌🤣 It turned out to be the best BP 🎂✨ #MiuraSoudai #Soudai #MatsuharaSean #Sean"
The tweet translates to: "Souchan singing Akkinda was truly the best 😭❤️🔥 He was really into it, and it had a vibe I've never really heard before? It was really great 😭 #Soudai #MiuraSoudai"
The translation of the tweet is: "Sou-chan is such an interesting guy, the live stream was the best! 😭😭😭 #MiuraSoudai #Soudai"
"Chiyuki Miura! The Blue Archive radio is so interesting, and I'm really curious about it, so I hope something comes out in the next season of Grapple or Season 2! #Akane Fujita Season 2"
"By the way, Huey's rap from the Nijipro 2 Japan training camp is amazing, and it reminds me of Soudai's loss. You can't talk about Nijipro 2 without tears."
The tweet translates to: "Looking back at M:Rea1 on Kouhaku① I wonder / Da-iCE vm.tiktok.com/ZGdkWgjF5/ Magnetic / ILLIT vm.tiktok.com/ZGdkWWTTS/ 366 Days / HY instagram.com/channel/AbbaB3… (Sodai Channel) Dinner Song / tuki vm.tiktok.com/ZGdkWvJX8/ #MRea1 #Yuito Enomoto #Eiji Ito #Sodai Miura #YUITO #EIJI #SODAI pic.x.com/EW56RjvnMs"
Live Commentary! Nijipro 2 Special Edition - Unreleased Big Reveal! J.Y. Park Talks It All Out SP - (2024/12/21 14:01 ~) - Sky Perfect! Program Streaming. The live commentary on Nijipro 2 is really great. Right now, I'm at the 2PM part with Ken, Seita, and Soudai, and Soudai is really an amazing singer. The last Miraku was also really good. [link]