鈴木 雅さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ゲーム、サッカー、フリースタイルラップ |
特技 | フリースタイルラップ、リフティング、人を笑わせること |
コメント | 自分らしくマイペースに頑張ります。 |
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Japan Produce Girls Produce 101 Japan ME: I Goods Exchange Offering: Kato Kokoro trading cards, can badges, name plates, acrylic stands, uniform trading cards, Yoshida Ayano, Shiromaru Maho, practice outfit trading cards, Oda Ariha, Iota Hana, Sugano Miyu ID cards, Sugano Miyu can badges, Kinoshita Riko, postcards, Sekiguchi Rikako, Suzuki Reina Looking for: Kamio Ayano, Yoshida Kanatsu trading cards, goods purchase" (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)
The tweet translates to: "Suzuki-kun simply seems to not fit the type I like, and I already feel a similar vibe to how Daigo and Yuki-chan, whom I liked in 'Nippon Produce', fell just short."
"I saw Ryo Suzuki nodding with a smile while giving a general review to the participants, and it reminded me of the scenes I’ve seen many times in Produce and Planet, making me go 'Ah...' Congratulations on being such a wonderful person!"
【個人的にフォーチュンに入って欲しい候補者】 鈴木晨順。 日プ練習生の1人。静岡県出身。 日プでは最初Fクラスのスタートながらも再評価テストでBクラスとスーパー飛び級。 ポテンシャルも十分期待が持てる。 #勝手にボイプロ youtu.be/MFKgO0ah7To?si…
タイプロがもし日プみたいにクラス別あったらこうなりそう(個人の感想) A→A 山根 西山 猪俣 浅井 A→C 浜川 B→A 本多 B→B 前田大輔 上野 橋本 C→A 前田大翔 鈴木 C→B 日野 F→B 北林 F→C 篠塚 F→F 岩崎
男の子だいたい好きな物一選! 「鈴木雅3」
"Yamane-kun is great at showing off in a cool way, while Suzuki-kun is good at showing off in a cute way. It's interesting to realize that again. By the way, making songs feels like Produce 101. I wonder if we’ll get to see them perform together someday..."
山根くんはかっこいい魅せ方得意だし 逆に鈴木くんは可愛い魅せ方得意なの 改めて実感できるのオモロイ。 てか曲作っちゃうのプデュみたいだ。 いつかふましょりそうで観れるのか…
The tweet translates to: "Suzuki-kun, you look like Chaeyoung from Produce 48... (It's frustrating to see you losing confidence when everyone knows you can shine even more.)"
"I was really interested in a certain builder because of their amazing physique, but it was disappointing to find out they have a bad personality. It's not just about muscles; I admire humble people like Masashi Suzuki, Hayato-kun, Karikawa-san, and Oogitani-san. I really think those kinds of people are the ones who reach the top. They even came to my LINE survey and when I sent 'I'm always watching!' they totally ignored me, so it's a bit... disappointing."
Interesting. Suzuki Masa player: "When trying to contract the upper part of the hamstring, as a result, the knee rises. If you do it with the awareness of 'raising the knee,' your body will arch like a shrimp, which can lead to back pain."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Talking about athlete Masashi Suzuki. By the way, my leg curl movement raises my knees a bit, but I've heard that there are people who watch the video and say, 'It's better to raise them.' I have not used the word 'raise' in that context."