田淵 美優さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 食べること、カラオケ |
特技 | ダンス、柔軟性、踊る時の表情管理 |
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Japan Produce Girls Produce 101 Japan ME: I Goods Exchange Offering: Kato Kokoro trading cards, can badges, name plates, acrylic stands, uniform trading cards, Yoshida Ayano, Shiromaru Maho, practice outfit trading cards, Oda Ariha, Iota Hana, Sugano Miyu ID cards, Sugano Miyu can badges, Kinoshita Riko, postcards, Sekiguchi Rikako, Suzuki Reina Looking for: Kamio Ayano, Yoshida Kanatsu trading cards, goods purchase" (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)
' メルカリ人気商品👀 櫻井美羽 MIU PRODUCE 101 IDカード 日プ女子 メルカリで詳細をチェック↓↓ jp.mercari.com/item/m72925281…
The tweet translates to: "Mercari popular item 👀 Sakurai Miu MIU PRODUCE 101 ID card for Nizi Project girls. Check the details on Mercari below↓↓ jp.mercari.com/item/m72925281…"
ガルプラ日プに出てた菅野美優ちゃんがついにすみれと遊んでて泣ける、プロフィールのベストソングにトライビーって書くくらい仲良しだもんね😭💯 pic.x.com/AZMEHJD9t8
The tweet translates to: "Miyu Kanno, who appeared on 'Girls Planet 999', is finally hanging out with Sumire, and it makes me cry. They're such good friends that she even wrote 'Tribe' as her best song in her profile. 😭💯"
AYANEちゃんの歌ってる時の後ろのMIUちゃんの表情、大好きなやつです、はい……笑 日プ女子また観たくなってきた〜〜 そして「全部合ってる💜」の風磨くんメロすぎてアカンwwww #ME_I #timelesz #音鳴り部 tver.jp/episodes/epgse…
I love MIU-chan's expression in the background while AYANE-chan is singing, yes... lol. I'm starting to want to watch the girls from "Nijipuro" again~~ And Fuma-kun's melody in "Everything is Right 💜" is just too good, I can't help it, lol. #ME_I #timelesz #SoundDepartment tver.jp/episodes/epgse…
' メルカリ人気商品👀 櫻井美羽 MIU PRODUCE 101 IDカード 日プ女子 メルカリで詳細をチェック↓↓ jp.mercari.com/item/m72925281…
The tweet translates to: "Mercari popular item 👀 Sakurai Miu MIU PRODUCE 101 ID card for Nizi Project girls. Check the details on Mercari below: jp.mercari.com/item/m72925281…"
The tweet translates to: "Miyu Tabuchi is really beautiful~ 💖"
田淵美優ちゃんって本当にお綺麗〜💖 pic.x.com/Agd6MTdfEZ
Introducing the special merchandise listed on Mercari! PR Product Name: Miyu Tabuchi Trading Card Set Selling Price: 300 yen jp.mercari.com/item/m92685601…
メルカリに出品された特典グッズを紹介!PR 商品名: 田淵美優 トレカ セット 販売価格: 300円 jp.mercari.com/item/m92685601…
Happy Birthday #MIU 🎉🎉 Happy birthday to Miyu Tabuchi✨✨ Miyu Tabuchi turns 21 years old today 😘 kpopjuice.com/member/tabuchi… #Happy_MIU_day #HappyMIUday #PRODUCE101JAPANTHEGIRLS
Happy BirthDay #MIU🎉🎉 #田淵美優 さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ 田淵美優さんは21歳になります😘 kpopjuice.com/member/tabuchi… #Happy_MIU_day #HappyMIUday #PRODUCE101JAPANTHEGIRLS