田口 馨也さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | サッカー観戦、映画鑑賞、カバーダンス |
特技 | サッカー |
コメント | 目の前にあるチャンスを逃さないよう、自分の魅力を最大限に引き出してデビューメンバーに入れるよう気を抜かず全力で頑張ります。 |
Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "Where are Ikumi Hiroto and Taguchi Kaori?"
The reason I thought about watching "Creation 2" was because of Hiroto Ikumi and Kaeya Taguchi, but now I have no idea where both of them are or what they're doing.
【Important Announcement】 Report on the termination of the management contract for "#Kaori Taguchi" pic.x.com/YycBPX92zY
The translation of the tweet "田口馨也は?どこ?" to English is "Where is Kaori Taguchi?"
The translation of the tweet is: "Every time there's talk about 'Produce 4', I wonder where Taguchi Kaeya is and what he's doing now?"
【Important Announcement】 Report on the termination of the management contract for "#KaoriTaguchi" pic.x.com/e9GQ4k1InD
The tweet translates to: "I only watch Yetao from CREATORS👁 I remember 2021? being so interesting. I started watching it because Ikumi and Taguchi from Japan were participating, and I ended up getting hooked. My favorite was Koku, who performed songs like 'Lit.' I thought he was a treasure of China. I believe that if Japan, China, and Korea seriously collaborate in the music field, they could dominate the market. #HuYetao"
創造営は烨韬だけ見る👁 2021?があまりに面白買った記憶 日ぷ出身の井汲、田口が出てたのでなんとなく見るか〜でどハマり。 推しは- Lit等披露した 刻宇だった。 中国の至宝だと思った。 日中韓が音楽分野に本気で手を組んだら市場を制圧できると思う。 #胡烨韬
\✨#KaoriTaguchi "Kaori Taguchi Birthday Event 2025 ~Precious Live~ vol.1" Acrylic Stand Sale Confirmed✨/ This is the first time we are selling acrylic stands💖 Since the quantity is limited, please take this opportunity to purchase one‼️🥰 👇 For details and purchase 🛍️ staracepro-webshop.stores.jp #KaoriTaguchi #AcrylicStand #AcrylicStand pic.x.com/i1WfvXLOvP
【Important Announcement】 Please read. #KaeyaTaguchi #BirthdayEvent pic.x.com/1kovITsaMd
\🎄#KaeyaTaguchi Off-shot Cheki Christmas Version Sale Confirmed📷/ The sale of Kaeya Taguchi's off-shot Cheki [December 2024] has been decided❣️ If you purchase two or more, one will come with a "handwritten signature by the person," along with your name and signature included 💫✍️ 👇 For details and purchase 🛍️ staracepro-webshop.stores.jp #KaeyaTaguchi #Cheki pic.x.com/8PCr3SyEuZ
"I'm happy that I could see him on terrestrial TV, even just for a few minutes, as an 'idol role' even though he's not an 'idol'✨ #KaeyaTaguchi"
Congratulations on your TV appearance, Taguchi-kun! 💓💓 You looked so cool as the idol role!! 😭 Great job!!!! #TaguchiKaeya pic.x.com/V6NiF7nCH0