田口 馨也さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | サッカー観戦、映画鑑賞、カバーダンス |
特技 | サッカー |
コメント | 目の前にあるチャンスを逃さないよう、自分の魅力を最大限に引き出してデビューメンバーに入れるよう気を抜かず全力で頑張ります。 |
Coming soon ...
【重要なお知らせ】 ご一読ください。 #田口馨也 #バースデーイベント pic.x.com/1kovITsaMd
【Important Announcement】 Please read. #KaeyaTaguchi #BirthdayEvent pic.x.com/1kovITsaMd
\🎄#KaeyaTaguchi Off-shot Cheki Christmas Version Sale Confirmed📷/ The sale of Kaeya Taguchi's off-shot Cheki [December 2024] has been decided❣️ If you purchase two or more, one will come with a "handwritten signature by the person," along with your name and signature included 💫✍️ 👇 For details and purchase 🛍️ staracepro-webshop.stores.jp #KaeyaTaguchi #Cheki pic.x.com/8PCr3SyEuZ
\🎄#田口馨也 オフショットチェキ クリスマスバージョン販売決定📷/ 田口馨也オフショットチェキ【2024年12月】 の販売が決定❣️ 2枚以上の購入の場合、1枚「本人直筆サイン入り」、あなたのお名前、サインを入れてお届け 💫✍️ 👇詳細・ご購入は🛍️ staracepro-webshop.stores.jp #田口馨也 #チェキ pic.x.com/8PCr3SyEuZ
"I'm happy that I could see him on terrestrial TV, even just for a few minutes, as an 'idol role' even though he's not an 'idol'✨ #KaeyaTaguchi"
Congratulations on your TV appearance, Taguchi-kun! 💓💓 You looked so cool as the idol role!! 😭 Great job!!!! #TaguchiKaeya pic.x.com/V6NiF7nCH0
The translation of the tweet is: "I don't want idols!!! It's Kaeya Taguchi's!!! An idol!!!!!! He's back ( ; ; )( ; ; )( ; ; )"
"Hey everyone, did you see the shocking news⁉️ Kaori Taguchi was on it 😭😭😭😭😭😭 He played the role of an idol shining brightly on stage 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭"
The translation of the tweet is: "Wasn't Kaori Taguchi in the shocking reenactment drama?"
The translation of the tweet is: "I'm recording Kaori Taguchi!!!!!!!!!!"
"I got the tickets!!! 🙏✨✨ I'm really happy that I can go celebrate Taguchi-kun's birthday!!! 🥲 I'm so excited I don't know what to do!! #TaguchiKazuya"
"Taguchi-kun!! I didn't know 😳 You appeared on 'Produce Japan' as a high school student, then went to Korea and joined RBW, went to China and participated in 'Creation Camp'... and then you came back to Japan and became an actor 😭 I'm so glad, I'm so glad! >RP"
The tweet translates to: "I want to attend as many events as possible for the 2021 Creative Training participants 💪, and I also want to go to Taguchi-kun's event. However, starting from this day, there will be an internal competition for about three days, so it seems difficult to make it to Shibuya by 7 PM 😢 That's disappointing. I wonder if it's possible to join late or something 🤔"
The tweet translates to: "Taguchi-kun, who appeared in Produce Japan → Sōzōei 2021, is on Japanese television 👀✨"
田口くん!!知らなかった😳 日プ無印に高校生で出ててその後渡韓していくみんとRBWに所属になって中国行って創造営出て、、日本戻ってきて俳優さんになってたんか😭良かった良かったー >RP