趣味 | K-POPをみる、大食いを見る |
特技 | 親指を曲げる、耳を曲げる |
Coming soon ...
Newsba selection in Nippon Professional Baseball 2, Matsumoto, Kodama, Sasaoka, Shinogaya, Tawada, Reiji, Misaten.
日プ2でにゅすば選抜 松本さん、児玉、笹岡、篠ヶ谷、多和田、れーじ、みさてん
I was watching TikTok and saw an idol named Celestia, and I thought I had seen this girl before. Then I remembered that she was Mori Saki from Produce 101, and I thought she was in Blanky. But then I realized she had left? It's not directly related to this circle, but there are some connections to Produce 101, so it's sometimes tricky.
Before the interview with #kpophouse ✍️ I will remember #celest1a!! So, Mitsuaki Kado-kun was in Johnny's, huh! And Daisuke Morisaki-kun participated in Produce 101 😳
Hyuk-chan from SJ produced Celest1a's Morisaki Daisuke-kun, who appeared on INI-chan and Nipu 😊 #KPOPHOUSE #INI @official__INI
What should I do with all the Posuka at the Japan Pop Museum❕ It would be great if I only had my favorite and Takawada, but...
Can someone appear on Nippon TV's S1 and S2? Maybe Shunji Koike is affiliated with them. How about Yuta Izutsu? And Tawada, who was in Nijipro! Also, Daigo Kobayashi!! Please consider Wakeone if they are available. And Masanori Uchida seems like a good fit vocally.
By the way, I met up with my favorite guys in the world today and went to karaoke (with a girl). They are really nostalgic for Vocaloid songs, so the playlist went from Japanese pop songs to Vocaloid songs to Jpop to Vocaloid songs to Vocaloid songs to Daisuke, etc... I didn't know any of the songs at all, but it was so much fun, I really thought karaoke was a great way to liven things up.
SUPER JUNIOR's U-Know will be the producer, and the group members of the K-POP boy group project have been announced all at once! Hasokubi (Shonen Fantasy), Hayato (&Audition), Morisaki Daisuke (Nippon TV S2, BLANK2Y Mikey) prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p…
Wow! There are Hayato and Hasokuhii from Sopan in the group produced by Unyoku, and Mikey (Daisuke Morisaki) who was a Japanese Produce 2 trainee and BLANK2Y. I'm so happy and excited!!‼️
ティーンEAST😭歩汰と柊くん手で4してる😭😭😭😭 #ティーンEAST #小堀柊 #多和田大祐 #福田歩汰 #山本遥貴 pic.twitter.com/gsacqVAXx9
Teen EAST 😭 Aota and Shu-kun are doing a handstand together 😭😭😭😭 #TeenEAST #KoboriShu #TawadaDaisuke #FukudaAota #YamamotoHaruki pic.twitter.com/gsacqVAXx9