テコエ 勇聖さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 寝る、難しい会話を聞くこと |
特技 | スタイルHipHop、アクロバット |
テコちゃんタイにいるの!? #MaisonB #TECO #テコエ勇聖 instagram.com/stories/teko_s… pic.x.com/zITtWZKbOx
ウォーカーテコちゃん💛 #MaisonB #TECO #テコエ勇聖 instagram.com/stories/teko_s… pic.x.com/ChHjGTE5ZZ
The translation of the tweet is: "Walker Teco-chan 💛 #MaisonB #TECO #TecoYusei"
The translation of the tweet is: "The only thing that can make me feel better right now is Teko E Yusei's 'oh eh oh,' but what should I do?"
もう私が今元気になれるのテコエ勇聖のoh eh ohしかないんだけどどしよ
The tweet translates to: "It's still very early in the Japan Project, but the re-evaluation moments of Teko E Yusei × Nishikaito and Kobayashi Daigo × Kimura Masaya are just too emotional. I'm so frustrated that I can't watch them at all because of my part-time job."
日プまだまだ全然初めの方やけど再評価の時のテコエ勇聖×西洸人、小林大吾×木村柾哉 大号泣すぎる バイトで全然見れへんの悔しすぎる
日プまだまだ全然初めの方やけど再評価の時のテコエ勇聖×西洸人、小林大吾×木村柾哉 大号泣すぎる バイトで全然見れへんの悔しすぎる
The translation of the tweet "テコエ勇聖も頑張ろうな" to English is "Let's do our best, Tekoe Yusei!"
The tweet translates to: "There are a lot of angels in 'Nippon Produce 2,' but personally, my TOP 3 are Tajika, Shin, and Anthony 🥹💖 I also want to include Fukuda Mama and Teko."
"I was rewatching the first episodes of 'Nippon Project 2,' and yesterday I got some photos from 'Nani Puri,' and I was feeling overwhelmed ( ; ; ) because of Naruo and Yudai's photos being posted. Then I saw a photo of Teko on Muramatsu's Twitter, and it was just too much 'Nippon Project' for me, I couldn't help but voice my surprise!"
The translation of the tweet is: "Teco-chan!! I'm glad to see you're doing well 😭💛🌻 #MaisonB #TECO #TecoEYusei"
The tweet translates to: "I want to listen to Teko-chan's Lion King again 💛🦁🎶 #MaisonB #TECO #TekoEYusei"
The tweet translates to: "Sudden smileーーーー😭😭 I fell for Nishikun C and Tekoekun A or something😭 I feel like I finally got an honest evaluation of Nishikun... it's so touchingーー😭 While the tough and cool INI is great, the pure white blazer of Let Me Fly is just wonderful. I wonder if there will be any more opportunities to see it live...😢"
Both Yusei and Vasaiega are dancing MJ🕺🕺 #TechoeYusei #NagaseYuki #VasaiegaHikari #VasaiegaWataru #MaisonB #CHUANGAsia #CreationCamp #ShonenNinja pic.x.com/TGU1PG32il