テコエ 勇聖さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 寝る、難しい会話を聞くこと |
特技 | スタイルHipHop、アクロバット |
こ の 美 男 子 は テ コ エ 勇 聖さんです テ コ エ 勇 聖さんです テ コ エ 勇 聖さんです テ ………………… です🫠❤️ #TECOはイケメン #MaisonB #TECO #テコエ勇聖 #日プ2 pic.x.com/8aJynpvleH
去年もらったクリスマスプレゼント🎁 かわいくて楽しくて大好きなぎゃるズ💛🩷 Maison Bのみんなも MBiusも 素敵なクリスマスイブを~🎄🎅🎁⛄✨ #MaisonB #TECO #SHOYA #テコエ勇聖 #福田翔也 Maison Bの投稿動画を楽しみましょう!#TikTok vt.tiktok.com/ZS6jjjGkV/
AZITOで ちいかわシーサーと一緒に バンビちゃんのバッチもプレゼント したんだけど 背中につけてくれてた🙌 テコちゃん いい人すぎる😭😭😭 ありがとう💛 めちゃくちゃ嬉しい~🥹🫶🏻 #MaisonB #TECO #テコエ勇聖 pic.x.com/UrkkJb6Hto
日プ2、まだ再評価終わったくらいだけどテコエ❣️テコエ😿テコエ😆西⁉️西🙁西😭ってしてたら終わってた 絶対に這い上がれ西。(ミリしら)
安藤優くんのリリパで、 帰り際に会場でチラッとTECOちゃんのお姿を見かけました🎵 小顔でシュッとしていて、とっても男前でした💕 #TECO #テコエ勇聖
This handsome guy is Teko E Yusei! Teko E Yusei! Teko E Yusei! Teko E Yusei... 🫠❤️ #TECOisHandsome #MaisonB #TECO #TekoEYusei #NipPo2 pic.x.com/8aJynpvleH
"I've started my winter break, so I'm watching the unfinished episodes of 'Nippon Produce 2,' and it's really interesting to watch knowing the INI members. Also, Teko-e-san is such a nice person!"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Last year's Christmas present 🎁 I love the cute and fun gals so much 💛🩷 Everyone at Maison B and MBius, have a wonderful Christmas Eve~ 🎄🎅🎁⛄✨ #MaisonB #TECO #SHOYA #テコエ勇聖 #福田翔也 Let's enjoy the video posted by Maison B! #TikTok vt.tiktok.com/ZS6jjjGkV/"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I gave a Bambi-chan badge as a present along with the Chiikawa Shisa at AZITO, and they put it on their back 🙌 Teco-chan is too nice 😭😭😭 Thank you 💛 I'm so incredibly happy~ 🥹🫶🏻 #MaisonB #TECO #TecoYusei"
The translation of the tweet is: "I'm crying with a smile because it's too cute 🥹🥲 I love the beautiful team 💛🩷💙 #MaisonB #TECO #テコエ勇聖 #SHOYA #福田翔也 #HIKARU #ヴァサイェガ光 Let's enjoy Chihiro's 🩷 posted video! #TikTok vt.tiktok.com/ZS6dXXCSe/"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Today, I’m sharing a fun and cute blooper reel of my favorite gals from last year 💛🩷 I want to see the gals again! 💅 #MaisonB #TECO #テコエ勇聖 #SHOYA #福田翔也 Let's enjoy the videos posted by Maison B! #TikTok vt.tiktok.com/ZSjEP5dSQ/"
The tweet translates to: "It's still just after the re-evaluation of 'Nippon Produce 2,' but I'm feeling so much for Nishi! 😿 Nishi 😆 Nishi 🙁 Nishi 😭 and then it was over. Nishi, you absolutely have to rise up. (I don't know much about it)"
The tweet translates to: "Teco-chan... It feels like I just recently listened to Masquerade for the first time... 🥺😭 #MaisonB #TECO #TecoYusei"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Trading past trading cards, postcards, and can badges for 日プ OCTPATH DXTEEN MaisonB ME:I. Offering: Nakano, Ota, Kurita, Yotsuya, Hiramoto, Teko, Ebiwara. As shown in the image. Looking for: JO1 (Sato, Kawashiri), INI (Goto > Sano), ME:I (Shimizu). Prefer shipping 📮🙋🏻♀️ Feel free to reach out! ☺️"
"I want everyone who watched Produce 101 Season 2 to relate to this, but when you see orange or yellow knit caps, don’t you immediately think of Teo? Haha."