上原 貴博さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
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"My son was watching Hajime Syacho's parkour video, and Takahiro Uehara appeared in it. It brought back memories, and he looks cool!"
Before the start of "Nippon Produce," I remember defending Jun Uehara for some reason, even though there were rumors going around. After all, he had an alibi for that day because he was hanging out with a guy, yet he was still being criticized. It brings back memories! The buzz around Hyuk-kun's fans was intense, and there was a real atmosphere that he might actually debut just because of that...?! It was quite surprising!
日プ開始前デマで落とし込み受けてた 斜め上原潤さんの擁護を何故かしてたの覚えてる(笑)だってその日上原潤さん男性と遊んでたアリバイあんのに叩かれてたんだもん🫠懐かしい ヒョクくんファンと話題性エグかったからそれだけでガチでデビューするんじゃないか…?!みたいな雰囲気あってビビったよね
TL見てたらやっぱりみんなCRAVITY分かんないんだ😭😭😭まず顔面がみんないいので見てほしい。1番好き曲のMV貼っときますね〜この曲いいので絶対見て(強制)プエクに出てた子たちいます!!プエクは日プに出てた上原潤がその前に出たやつ!キムウソクとかスンウさんとかも!! youtu.be/AUc9pglUn2E?si… x.com/miu_mogu2/stat…
The translation of the tweet is: "So cool‼️ youtu.be/xVkzbpLfZjM?si… #TakahiroUehara #Parkour #NaotoIntiRaymi #NAOTO #Believer pic.x.com/2QEbXEAw79"
"I had the opportunity to appear in Naoto Inti Raymi's new music video. It's really cool and one of my favorites, so please take a look! 😊 youtu.be/xVkzbpLfZjM?si… #NaotoIntiRaymi #NAOTO #Believer #TakahiroUehara #Parkour"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I watched 'Nippon Produce' #10. - Yonghoon was scolded by the much younger Mamehara-san, saying 'Please behave properly!' - Uehara-san from Kunchikita looks cute with a brown mash hairstyle, wearing a MA-1 style jacket and a choker, just like Matilda from 'Leon.' It's really nice to see Matilda in such a hardcore song."
The audition for Type Pro is not to create a new group, but rather to join the already existing Timeless. It's not like Produce 101; it's closer to the auditions for EXILE (the one that TAKAHIRO joined).
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I watched 'Nippon Project #5' - I want to do 'Naname Uehara Jun!' together too - What was that wink from Hichon? LOL - It's not exactly what Sugai-sensei said, but it's simply fun to see people like Watanabe-san and Angeta-san work hard and rise in rank even in positions other than their preferred ones - I'm glad Uchida-san is still in! I'm looking forward to more commentary from them!"
Sure! Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Wait a minute, um, what’s happening? Eh, Kyusuto-chan is dancing to Sakurazaka, eh, eh, (big thanks) (Manabe-san’s dance is so cool~~~~!!!) (Parutan, is Parutan the one who struggled with dancing in last year’s 'Produce'…?! ©️TAKAHIRO-sensei)" x.com/cutie_street_/…
"I liked Juri-chan, and since Uehara Jun was on 'Nip', and because the first broadcast of 'Nip' was delayed on TV in Hokkaido, and I just happened to be watching TV at that time... ↑ All these miracles lined up, and even five years later since 2019, I still love the 'Nip' group. Isn't that amazing?"
"Uehara Jun from diagonally above. I really liked him. I was just rewatching some funny moments from Produce 101, but it's scary to think that this was back in 2019. It still feels recent to me. I guess I've gotten older too."
Recently, I've come to like JO1, and I've been watching some funny scene compilations from the "Produce 101 Japan" fans. I'm really glad that Uehara Jun and Osawa Shunya have also debuted! 😭✨️
While watching Jeo-san's Produce, I started to see Uehara Jun as Kitayama Hiromitsu 👀 Am I going a bit crazy? 🤣