ウー タミーさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 外国語の勉強 / コンサートに行くこと / 旅行 / Learning new languages / Watching concerts / Traveling |
特技 | フルート / ピッコロ / Playing the flute / Playing the piccolo |
コメント | やわらかい皮の中、ルビーのような魅力がいっぱい !ザクロ少女・タミー / Full of surprising charms in a soft shell! Pomegranate girl TAMMY |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Uta Mi Shuin En Tsu⁉️" The text appears to be a play on words or a name, and without additional context, it may not have a direct translation. The link seems to lead to an image, which could provide more context.
ウータミーシュイニエンツー⁉️ pic.x.com/Vhm1qPuZBM
The tweet translates to: "I miss Wutami, at first I thought it was Ruowei (Garupla fan)."
The tweet translates to: "Uutami is amazing, by the way, did you cut your hair?"
The tweet translates to: "So you're saying that there was only Shenwoo and Minwoo, but now it's transformed into Garupura and new ones have sprouted up?!"
Happy Birthday #WUTAMMY🎉🎉 Congratulations on your birthday, #ウータミー!✨✨ WUTAMMY is turning 22 years old!😘 kpopjuice.com/member/wu_tamm… #Happy_WUTAMMY_day #HappyWUTAMMYday #GirlsPlanet999
The moment I saw the photo on the right, I realized that my brain was completing the missing parts of Uutami, who was trimmed. I wonder how much Gallpla I've seen. I remember up to the 7th or 8th round, but... I was playing remote work BGM, so it seems like I'm completely brainwashed lol #SakuraiMiu #KimDayoung
I feel the love for Cell in the comments on UtaMi's Instagram... Gulp...
Lucky 7 cell 💘💘💘 During the time of Galpla, I was a Dayeon fan, and I thought the Japanese girl in the same cell was pretty~ When I found out it was the unexpected Miu-chan, it was shocking 🫨 [999 CELL PR] J Sakurai Miu & K Kim Dayeon & C Woo Taemi #GirlsPlanet999 youtu.be/5qgP-lRTRCU?si… @YouTube pic.twitter.com/vqjJ5e9ODN
Galpara fans, it's no wonder that Ruan debuted, right? 🥹 During the icecream practice, when Ruan danced in a duet with UtaMi, it seems like she lacked confidence, as pointed out by the masters. Three years later, she confidently improved her skills and came back for the audition, making a stunning debut like Cinderella. 🥹💍 #Galpara's ghost
In the past, I picked Girls Planet 999: Girls Festival ›› Wutammy 우태미 BOYS PLANET ›› CONG 콩 PRODUCE 101 JAPAN THE GIRLS ›› Tabata Nana UNIVERSE TICKET ›› CHO MINSEO I also watched other survival shows and images 🫢 pic.twitter.com/lUKgnTkyFa
The introduction page of Miu Sakurai on Instagram has been liked by Tammy, who was on the same team in Girls Planet. Tammy is really a good kid!