山田 英樹さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 映画鑑賞、ショッピング |
特技 | ダンス(R&B、HipHop) |
Coming soon ...
■March 8, 2025 (Saturday) Vol. 7500 About 36 years ago, when we were considering opening a dojo, several hundred people gathered to hold a launch party. There were about 25 people on the organizing side, and we set sail. There were so many passengers that some couldn't even board the ship. Those who remember those days are now like Hideki Yamada, who built a ship in Osaka.
■2025年3月8日(土) Vol.7500 36年前かな、道場を開くか、てことで 何百人かが集ってくれて、出発のパーティーを開いて 運営側が25名ぐらい居て、出航した。 船に乗り切れない者も居る程、乗船客も多かった そんな頃を知っている者は 大阪で船を作った山田英樹ぐらいになっている。
"I've been eagerly waiting for the day the tiles sound open. I was 24 years old, waiting and waiting, having fun and doing various things, and before I knew it, I became a 60-year-old old man. (Hideki Yamada) Manager"
牌の音オープンの日が待ち遠しくて 今か今かと待っていたのが24才の頃、 楽しく笑って色んな事して 気がつくと60のじじいになっていました。 (山田英樹) マネージャー
While I was looking at the Wiki for the "Nippon Produce" girls, I found that the K-pop school that Suzu-chan attended also produced talents like Kaede Yamada and Ken Hiramoto, and the lineup was interesting.
Sure! The translation of the tweet is: "Yes! (Hideki Yamada) I want to learn even a little from the feelings of the two of you!! (Mom)"
はい! (山田英樹) お二人な気持ちを少しでも見習いたいものです!! (ママ)
The translation of the tweet is: "I will never surpass the chairman in my lifetime, but the spirit of the Suzumaki style will be my guiding principle until I die. That's why my current friends are here. Everyone has become an old man... But I, more than anyone, am the oldest, and I'm in pain all over (laughs). (Hideki Yamada)"
The tweet translates to: "I remember that Kyō-kun was close with Yonghoon... I need to watch 'Produce 101 Japan' to confirm this..."
The tweet translates to: "A picture that looks like an interview and also like Produce 101. I'm happy to see Yamada-kun and Bonekdo interacting."
"I really want to feel the incredible growth of Kyusuto and Yamada-kun standing side by side with the Palutans. It's been a year since 'Nippon Produce,' right? They're standing shoulder to shoulder with Ryosuke Yamada, right? That's amazing!"
The tweet translates to: "Yamada Kyo, whom I supported during Produce, appeared... Wow, I'm so envious."
The translation of the tweet is: "Kyogo's solo concert!! Yamada Kyou-kun!! Nippon Produce~ 😢"
"I was working while streaming Produce 101 (the original) exactly two years ago, so I burst out laughing at Kyō-kun Yamada."