Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Personally, I thought there were various age discrepancies like Jongmin '07, Yojun '05, and Younghyun '96, but the biggest one is Yechan '08."
【日本語字幕】 ┌──────────────┐ 👾自己肯定感が宇宙レベルの男🪐 #ヨムイェチャン └──────────────┘ テジュくんのと関係性大好き!!💙❤️ #1日1ヨムイェチャン #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #김태조 #ChoCo_ENT pic.x.com/JDh8yR3Kwk
Here’s the translation of the tweet text to English: 【Japanese Subtitles】 ┌──────────────┐ 👾 A man with self-esteem at a cosmic level 🪐 #YeomYechan └──────────────┘ I love the relationship with Teju-kun!! 💙❤️ #OneYeomYechanADay #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #김태조 #ChoCo_ENT pic.x.com/JDh8yR3Kwk
Here’s the translation of the tweet: 【Japanese Subtitles】 💝🍫 ┌───────────────┐ 『Not A Love Song』 #YeomYechan └───────────────┘ *There are some slight paraphrases. *The rap's rhymes are lost in the Japanese translation. #OneYeomYechanADay #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #ChoCo_ENT pic.x.com/ntByc4YoJS
The translation of the tweet is: "This subtitle really feels like 'Yomi Yechan' and I love it!"
The tweet translates to: "Minje-kun is in ORAW, Yechan-kun is in 82MAJOR, Seun-chan and Sumin-chan are in STAYC, and Hyunwoo-kun is in PJE."
"I really love the quality of Yomuyetchan's rap voice."
【Japanese Subtitles】 ┌───────────────┐ A man who wants to go to high places despite having a fear of heights #Yomyechan └───────────────┘ An interesting man whose curiosity overcomes his awareness of his fear of heights! ❗️😸 #OneYomyechanADay #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #PROJECT7 #ChoCo_ENT pic.x.com/fS0V7FncZL
The tweet translates to: "There are a lot of tall people among Yechan's favorite artists and the hyungs who took care of him at Pledis, right?"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "[Japanese subtitles] ┌───────────────┐ The adorable foreshadowing resolution before and after the joint dropout ˚✩ └───────────────┘ #OneYomYechanADay #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #ヨムイェチャン #PROJECT7 #프로젝트7 #プジェ pic.x.com/1vhZP93kNK"
📝 Yeom Ye Chan's goals for 2025 ˚✩ ① Grow to 182 cm tall ② Improve physical fitness through exercise ③ Elevate singing and dancing to a high level ④ Become more known in the world than now ⑤ Create at least one song that everyone knows #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #ヨムイェチャン #ChoCo_ent pic.x.com/kern72Vfoy
The translation of the tweet is: "When I encounter something delicious, Yechan #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #ヨムイェチャン"
The translation of the tweet text is: "The best #YEOMYECHAN #염예찬 #ヨムイェチャン"
The tweet translates to: "I want you to watch Yomuyetchan's Japan travel vlog because it's too cute! The contrast of this appearance with being super P-type and fluffy is an amazing gap 🤍 youtu.be/MefAGg3Db2E?si…"
I'll be rooting for you yeom yechan 🇧🇷🙏