ユン ジアさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 歌番組を観ること Watching music chart shows |
特技 | パドルミントン(卓球とバドミントンを融合させたゲーム) / Padminton |
コメント | 唯一無二の魅力を持ったユン・ジアです。 I am YOON JI A with unrivaled charms that no other people possess |
Coming soon ...
最近はコツコツオーディションを見まくる人になってますが、誰が落ちるとか落ちないとか、シビアな問題だけど、ここが合わなかっただけだと思えるようになってきた。 今までで1番納得いかなかったのはガルプラのルイチーとゆりなちゃん、MA1のジアハオ、虹プロ2のエイジとミラク🥲
Recently, I've become someone who diligently watches auditions, and while it's a tough issue to think about who gets eliminated or not, I've started to feel that it's just a matter of not being a good fit. The ones I found most difficult to accept were Ruiichi and Yurina from Girls Planet, Jiahao from MA1, and Aiji and Miraku from Nizi Project 2. 🥲
私のIDはカンナム美人見終わったーー。めっちゃ面白かったぁあ あと、ガルプラに出てたチェユンちゃん出ててびっくりした😳
"My ID is Gangnam Beauty has ended! It was really interesting! Also, I was surprised to see Chaeyun-chan from Girls Planet appear! 😳"
いまだに10月ファンコンの余韻も引きずってますが、NMIXXがKick itやる前から好きなカバーもありまして… まずはこの曲を知るきっかけになったガルプラでのKep1erヨンウンとmimiiroseジアのペアによるカバー。このパフォーマンス前の会話から見ると尚良し😇… pic.x.com/G38ut7zbLc
"I'm still feeling the afterglow of the October fan concert, but I also have a favorite cover that I've liked since before NMIXX performed 'Kick It'... First, here's the cover by Kep1er's Yong Eun and mimiirose's Jia, which was the reason I got to know this song. It's even better when you see the conversation before this performance 😇…"
The tweet translates to: "NCT Stray Kids ATEEZ EVNNE TREASURE Past trading cards, postcards, benefits, looking for different exchanges 🤍SEVENTEEN (especially S.Coups) 🤍Red Velvet (especially Seulgi) 🤍INI Fujimaki, Ikesaki, Kyo 🤍ZB1 Gyubin 🤍mimiirose Yunjia 🤍xlov Rui Available for handover before the 2/2 Laposta performance. Please consider!"
"My top pick from Garupura is Jia. I love you, Jia."
"I have just one request to the gods. I want to see these three pairs—Kim Ji-eun and Yoo Jung-woo, So Young-eun and Yoon Ji-a, Fuko and Ji-yoon—standing next to each other, even if it's just for one second. (I didn't say just one thing)"
Happy Birthday #YOONJIA 🎉🎉 Happy birthday to you, Yoon Jia-san! ✨✨ Yoon Jia is turning 21 years old! 😘 kpopjuice.com/member/yoon_ji… #Happy_YOONJIA_day #HappyYOONJIAday #GirlsPlanet999
The tweet translates to: "In BOY PLAN, I, the spirit of Hao Rui, will find peace 😇 But I am still wandering as the spirit of Yoon Ji A from GIRL PLAN."
The translation of the tweet is: "Please love a lot, saying Yun Jia."
The tweet translates to: "This is Yunji from Mimi Rose 💕 She also appeared in Girls Planet ~♪♪ @mimiirose_offcl pic.x.com/wzUPCAXn7F"
ミミローズのユンジアちゃんです💕ガルプラにも出てましたよ〜♪♪ @mimiirose_offcl pic.x.com/wzUPCAXn7F
ミミローズのユンジアちゃんです💕ガルプラにも出てましたよ〜♪♪ @mimiirose_offcl pic.x.com/wzUPCAXn7F