キム ユンウォンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
"Watching Johan from 'Island' made me fall for Eunwoo 📺 Why did I decide to watch this drama!? Plus, I want to praise myself for watching it on the year-end release date 💪 A special poster for the new drama 'Island' featuring Kim Nam-gil, Lee Da-hee, and ASTRO's Cha Eun-woo has been released... a collaboration between manga and live-action #ldnews news.livedoor.com/article/detail…"
2年前のちかちゃんねる韓流本舗がYouTubeでたまたま出てきて、タイトルがキム・ナムギルがかっこよすぎる‼️ アイランド……というドラマ……Web漫画が原作なんですね❤️ もう……そっくりなんですけど……❤️❤️❤️ まだ観てないから……(ナムギル沼4ヶ月の私には知らないことが多すぎて……😵💫) pic.x.com/QuD4Gd0M0k
"I liked Kim Gyuri from I-land2, I wonder how she's doing... 🥲🥲"
🏆2025 Brand Customer Loyalty Awards🏆 Please participate in the brand consumer survey of musical actor #Kim_Junsu from Palm Tree Island 🥰 BRAND CUSTOMER LOYALTY AWARDS 2025 📆 Survey Period: March 17 (Monday) - March 30 (Sunday), 2025 💚 Most Influential Musical Actor (Male) Category of 2025 - Kim Junsu x.com/junsu_palmtree…
🏆2025ブランド顧客忠誠度大賞🏆 パームツリーアイランドのミュージカル俳優 #キム·ジュンスのブランド消費者調査にご参加ください🥰 BRAND CUSTOMER LOYALTY AWARDS 2025 📆調査期間:2025年3月17日(月)~30日(日) 💚 2025年最も影響力のあるミュージカル俳優(男)部門 - キム·ジュンス x.com/junsu_palmtree…
"Happy birthday, Kim Nam-gil!! I hope you have a healthy year. I would be thrilled if you could appear in the Super Idol's YouTube content again!! Also, I hope to see you in Island S2!!"
キム・ナムギルさまお誕生日おめでとうございます!!健やかな一年をお過ごしください。そしてまたスーパーアイドルのYouTubeコンテンツに出ていただけたら嬉しいです!!アイランドのS2もぜひに!! pic.x.com/4X7gmK6rp8
"I tried watching 'Island' because I wanted to see Kim Nam-gil, but there were zombies that scared me, so I stopped before he appeared 😅 Ah, I want to see it—it's scary but cool! #김남길"
キム・ナムギル씨みたくてアイランド見てみたけど、ゾンビみたいの出てきて怖くてナムギル씨出る前にやめてしまった😅 あー見たーいこわーいかっこいー #김남길 pic.x.com/Ty7VOUwLS0
The translation of the tweet is: "Is that Kim Daniel who was on Island...????"
The tweet translates to: "Daniel from Island, Kim Dong-kyu, graduates from Hanlim... Time flows... (and nostalgia)" followed by a link to a YouTube video.
The tweet translates to: "Starring Kim Nam-gil, [Island] features a half-demon and a priest protecting the world!! A cool and dark fantasy."
Cute! 【PHOTO】 Kim Su-jeong from "I-LAND2" attends the graduation ceremony of Seoul Performing Arts High School kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar… #GraduationCeremony #I-LAND2 @Kstyle_news
【PHOTO】"I-LAND2" participant Kim Su-jeong attends the graduation ceremony of Seoul Performing Arts High School kstyle.com/article.ksn?ar… #KimSuJeong pic.x.com/FlXuJW3TGX