趣味 | ヒップホップ 各種スポーツ |
特技 | ダンス、ラップ、歌 |
"I'm searching for Nishiyama-kun's Asia Super Young footage. It goes from Cat Eye → 1st round → 2nd round → 3rd round, but I can't find the 3rd round. It seems like there's a choreography for about one phrase, so I really want to see it. By the way, I found the footage of Honda-kun & Roy-kun's team. #NishiyamaCommunity"
一晩寝たら元気になったから上げるദ്ദി^ᴗ ̫ ᴗ^₎-♡ 歌・Mix初心者が一発どり1時間内の制約付けてワンコーラス歌ってみたです。あと後ろの〇止まらんw 音痴とかうるせ〜〜!!!!! 知らね〜〜〜〜!!!! 😠🗡️ FINAL FANT ASY pic.x.com/UEz18dWw0L
The tweet translates to: "One and Only?? Boinek?? ASY's song?? Huh??"
The tweet translates to: "The guy in the pink jacket dancing with Nishiyama-kun (Wang Muqing-kun) is cute and has great expressions, and I was wondering how he's doing now, so I looked him up, but I couldn't find much information 😓 I found out he participated in ASY and is in a group called BOYHOOD, but I didn't understand the details. Magic Cube team 'One and Only' youtu.be/goEh6yvh_d8?si…"
ASY一公の智樹くんのOne and Onlyも観てね😉ASYはチームで曲をアレンジしてOKだったのもあって智樹くんがリーダーとして中心となって演出やフォーメーションを考えたステージになってます❣️むーちんもきゅるきゅるでかわいーよぉ🫶🏻るいくんの歌詞改編も好き🫶🏻 youtu.be/t2qL7GEoiXs?si…
ワンアンドオンリー??One and Only??ボイネク??ASY一公の曲???んぇ??
西山くんと同じチームで踊るピンクジャケットの彼(汪穆清くん) 、可愛いし表情が良いし今どうしてるのかなーと思って調べたんだけどよく分からなかった😓ASY出場者で組んだ?BOYHOODってグループにいる事は分かったけど経緯は分からなかった Magic Cube隊《One and Only》youtu.be/goEh6yvh_d8?si…
The bangs are so cute, they remind me of One Munchin from ASY! I hope we're still in touch even now. 🥹
"Congratulations to ASY! The defeat of An Se-young will have to wait. Wow, Akane-chan and Wang Ji-yi really put up a fight. But Se-young won't be defeated. I'm impressed by her mental strength!"
The tweet translates to: "At ASY, it was said that the cat eyes are three fairies 😭 So, how about the three of us trying to dance IZ*ONE for a bit? From the ghostly WIZ*ONE."
Here's the translation of the tweet: "RP My glorious negative history 😂😂😂😂 I loved the Cat Eye Brothers as well as Wankun in ASY, so if I had fallen deep into the Taipro swamp, I would probably be bedridden by now."
The tweet translates to: "I want people who like Tomoki-kun's vibe in the practice room version of ASY's 'One and Only' to watch this. The live performance has more of Tomoki-kun's highlights, but the practice room version really showcases his cuteness and personality. youtu.be/QSbekNFV6_c?si…"
The tweet translates to: "After Blue3, I think it's 回锅肉 (twice-cooked pork) with Boipura → Zhang Shuai Bo, Xuan Hao, Chen Yu Geng, Wang Nan Jun, Chen Jian Yu, and from Asia Super Star Group → Zhong Jun Yi. From Stabo → Sun Ying Hao, Duan Xing Xing, Liu Guan You. But was there anyone else? If that's the case, then Bobo Nya is making their first server debut after Blue3."