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wtt wts starlight boys ⭕️trade ⭕️buy 스타라이트보이즈 포카 교환 구매 集卡社 スタボ Starlightboys スターライトボーイズ トレカ 交換 買取 ✅Kemingkai|Sungmin 👼🏻Xinche SP iQIYI POLARIX 커밍카이 ke ming kai 柯洺楷 판타지보이즈 FANTASY BOYS 홍성민 新澈 신처 シンチェ 星光闪耀的少年 pic.x.com/DxJkaAkV2f
The tweet translates to: "WTT WTS Starlight Boys ⭕️ trade ⭕️ buy Starlight Boys photo card exchange purchase 集卡社 スタボ Starlightboys スターライトボーイズ trading cards exchange purchase ✅Kemingkai|Sungmin 👼🏻Xinche SP iQIYI POLARIX Coming Kai ke ming kai 柯洺楷 Fantasy Boys FANTASY BOYS Hong Seong-min 新澈 Shinche シンチェ Starlight Shining Boys pic.x.com/DxJkaAkV2f"
wtt wts starlight boys 스타라이트보이즈 포카 교환 구매 集卡社 トレーディングカード Starlightboys スターライトボーイズ トレカ 交換 買取 ✅Kemingkai|Sungmin 👼🏻Xinche SP iQIYI 星光闪耀的少年 POLARIX 커밍카이 ke ming kai 柯洺楷 판타지보이즈 FANTASY BOYS 홍성민 新澈 신처 シンチェ pic.x.com/Wwz0JdLMhL
The tweet translates to: "wtt wts Starlight Boys photo card exchange purchase 集卡社 trading cards Starlightboys スターライトボーイズ trading card exchange purchase ✅Kemingkai|Sungmin 👼🏻Xinche SP iQIYI 星光闪耀的少年 POLARIX 커밍카이 ke ming kai 柯洺楷 Fantasy Boys FANTASY BOYS 홍성민 新澈 신처 シンチェ pic.x.com/Wwz0JdLMhL" (Note: "wtt" means "want to trade," "wts" means "want to sell," and "SP" likely refers to a special or limited edition card.)
wtt wts starlight boys trading cards 集卡社 trade 交換⭕️ buy 買取⭕️ ✅Kemingkai 柯铭楷/ Sungmin 성민 👼: Xinche 新澈 SP pob DM plz. ✅ENG ✅中文 #iQIYI #StarlightBoys #星光闪耀的少年 #스타라이트보이즈 #POLARIX #커밍카이 #판타지보이즈 #홍성민 #新澈 #신처 #Xinche #シンチェ pic.x.com/lXz5QSNo7f
Here's the translation of the tweet text to English: "wtt wts Starlight Boys trading cards 集卡社 trade exchange⭕️ buy 買取⭕️ ✅Kemingkai 柯铭楷/ Sungmin 성민 👼: Xinche 新澈 SP pob DM plz. ✅ENG ✅中文 #iQIYI #StarlightBoys #星光闪耀的少年 #스타라이트보이즈 #POLARIX #커밍카이 #판타지보이즈 #홍성민 #新澈 #신처 #Xinche #シンチェ pic.x.com/lXz5QSNo7f" (Note: The text includes a mix of English, Japanese, Chinese, and Korean, along with hashtags and abbreviations related to trading cards.)
Here’s the translation of the tweet:
"[📹️] Starlight Boys Doha, Ho Shiron, Komin Kai, Park Siwoo, and Yoshi's
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【11/4】人気投票ランキング 16位 #ペントール (↑9) 17位 #ルーシェンチー (↑13) 17位 #ナムソン (↑13) 19位 #ユクワンウ (↓3) 19位 #クーミンカイ (↑11) kpopjuice.com/member/pentor/ #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【11/4】Popularity Vote Ranking 16th place #Pentor (↑9) 17th place #Lushenqi (↑13) 17th place #Namsong (↑13) 19th place #Yukwanwoo (↓3) 19th place #KuminKai (↑11) kpopjuice.com/member/pentor/ #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【11/4】Popularity Vote Ranking 16th place #Pentor (↑9) 17th place #Lushenqi (↑13) 17th place #Namsong (↑13) 19th place #Yukwanwoo (↓3) 19th place #KuminKai (↑11) kpopjuice.com/member/pentor/ #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【10/30】Popularity Vote Ranking 16th place #ShushiFan (↑2) 16th place #Pon (↑5) 18th place #Yujun (↑9) 18th place #KuminKai (↓2) 18th place #Doha (↑19) kpopjuice.com/member/xu_shi_… #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【10/29】Popularity Vote Ranking 16th place #KuminKai (↑1) 17th place #Idaul (↑4) 18th place #Shushifan (↓3) 19th place #Pentor (↑2) 20th place #ChangJinHo (↓6) kpopjuice.com/member/ke_ming… #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【10/29】Popularity Vote Ranking 16th place #KuminKai (↑1) 17th place #Idaul (↑4) 18th place #Shushifan (↓3) 19th place #Pentor (↑2) 20th place #ChangJinHo (↓6) kpopjuice.com/member/ke_ming… #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【10/28】Popularity Vote Ranking 15th place #ShushiFan (↑1) 17th place #JaoJaiIn (↑18) 17th place #KuminKai (↓4) 19th place #GunWoo (↑5) 19th place #Hikari (↓1) kpopjuice.com/member/xu_shi_… #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年
✨Starlight Boys✨ 【10/28】Popularity Vote Ranking 15th place #ShushiFan (↑1) 17th place #JaoJaiIn (↑18) 17th place #KuminKai (↓4) 19th place #GunWoo (↑5) 19th place #Hikari (↓1) kpopjuice.com/member/xu_shi_… #starlightboys #스타라이트보이즈 #星光闪耀的少年