イ チェユンさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 中古売買 Used trading |
特技 | YouTubeの動画編集 / 日常撮影 / Editing YouTube videos / Filming in daily life |
コメント | 笑顔が魅力的なハッピーウイルス・チェユン Happy virus CHAE YUN with an attractive smile :) |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "In Rainbow, there are passionate Red 🔥 Kwaks fans, cool Blue 💠 Sokhwa, and the heart's oasis, everyone's Yellow 💛 Yansanghun... and also the cute 🩷 Lee Cheyoon!"
レンボシには、 情熱のレッド🔥クァクスファン、 クールなブルー💠ソクファ、 心のオアシスみんなのイエロー💛ヤンサンフンがいるので…… あとキュート🩷なイチェユンも
Rainbow Red! Quacks fan! Rainbow Blue! Sokhwa! Rainbow Pink! Lee Chae-yoon! Rainbow Yellow! Yang Sang-hoon! Just two more are needed... 🤔 Oh! Rainbow Violet! Yong-gam! Rainbow Green! Choi Ho-on! (Don't mix in Choi Ho-on)
レインボーレッド!クァクスファン! レインボーブルー!ソクファ! レインボーピンク!イチェユン! レインボーイエロー!ヤンサンフン! あとふたり足らんな…🤔せや! レインボーバイオレット!ヨンガム! レインボーグリーン!チェホオン! (チェホオンを混ぜるな)
The tweet translates to: "Tomorrow is finally my first offline event 🥺♥️ I've been voting for Hie-chan's cell since the first episode of Garupla, and I'm really happy that she debuted 😭♥️ I want to express how much I love her tomorrow!!! ♥️ #kep1erOfflineEvent #kep1er pic.x.com/okb89wJdI3"
明日ついに初オフイベ🥺♥️ ガルプラ初回からヒエちゃんのセルに投票してて、デビューしてくれて本当に嬉しかったです😭♥️明日はたくさん大好きだよを伝えたいです!!!♥️ #kep1erオフイベ #kep1er pic.x.com/okb89wJdI3
The tweet translates to: "FUKO and NAM YUJU might participate in the recently trending 'Girls Planet 2.' It seems like FUKO could have a chance for revenge in 'Girls Planet,' and there's also Lee Seonu from the same agency as NAM YUJU. If NAM YUJU participates, would it be the fourth time? The second image might be from a different survival show since the timing is different. #ILAND2 #아이랜드2"
FUKOやNAM YUJUは最近話題になってるガルプラ2とかに参加する可能性もありますね FUKOガルプラにリベンジとか話題になりそうだし NAM YUJUと同じ事務所のイ・ソヌとかね NAM YUJUが参加するなら4回目? 2枚目のは時期が違うので違うサバ番かもしれない #ILAND2 #아이랜드2 pic.x.com/zRdO8bwUpN
"On the contrary, I thought my little sister was more of a cute, younger-looking beauty, but she's actually a beautiful girl in the style of Lee Chae-yoon..."
As expected, I've been watching Rainbow Project ➡️ Girls Planet ➡️ Produce Japan, so I'm really happy to see how much Miu Sakurai has grown. She's just too talented, and it's being showcased beautifully, which makes me emotional. The little cat is also (🫶🏻 '-' ) so cute! x.com/official__me_i…
The tweet translates to: "I’m seriously wondering if this little doctor is stronger than the Quacks fans…? The colonel is so cute for being so concerned about it, and Lee Chae-yoon is still munching away and is adorable. So cute. Everyone is cute."
The tweet translates to: "The undefeated squad is too close and cute. So happy. How cute... Ah~~ Kwak Seung-jo, Fan Yi, Chae-yoon, Yang Sang-hoon~~ Seokhwa is also here~~ 😭✨✨ The handshake interference type is too funny."
The tweet translates to: "A great day feeling the vibe of Garupla with WADADA trending, and participating in the same event with Wako-chan and Piyo-chan, as well as Ayaka-chan."
"My ID is Gangnam Beauty has ended! It was really interesting! Also, I was surprised to see Chaeyun-chan from Girls Planet appear! 😳"
The translation of the tweet is: "Ending it = watching the 1, 2, 3 picks live. For 'Boys Planet,' it was Ichang, Rui, and Fani-kun, so it's just Rui left to finish up~ For 'Girls Planet,' it was Liangjiao, Sein-chan, and Bora-chan, so if I put in some effort, I should be able to see Jiaobora, but Sein-chan... 😭"