森 慎二郎さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | LIVE鑑賞 |
特技 | 手を使わずに頭皮を動かす。テニス |
コメント | アイドルになるという夢を叶えて、皆の夢になりたいです。 |
Coming soon ...
Alternatively, if you search for Takatsuka Taiga, you'll find a surround network that can drive you crazy from all directions, whether it's the forest fairy STRIDE, the refreshing band Catch the Moment, or the alluring Busterz that swims through sound. My recommendation is YOUNG from the Japan Produce On Contact show! ₍ᵔ· ̫·ᵔ₎
もしくは髙塚大夢で検索すると森の妖精STRIDEか爽やかバンドマンCatch the Momentか音で泳ぐ妖艶Busterzという全方向から狂わせられる包囲網が待ってる わたしのおすすめは日プオンタクトのYOUNGです₍ᵔ· ̫·ᵔ₎
SEVEN COLORS presents moxymill Debut Live 2025 at 武蔵野の森総合スポーツプラザ メインアリーナ ユララさん、日プ女子の時はキュートのイメージ無かったけどいけるもんなんですね…あと、ネコさんがfemme fataleのかなのさんみたいな雰囲気あって気になりました。 #モクシーマイル #moxymill pic.x.com/H31nziCk2N
SEVEN COLORS presents moxymill Debut Live 2025 at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza Main Arena. Yulala, I didn't think you had a cute image during your time in the Japan Produce girls, but it seems like you can pull it off... Also, Neko has a femme fatale vibe like Kana, which caught my attention. #モクシーマイル #moxymill pic.x.com/H31nziCk2N
"I happened to see the day when the Musashi Forest was being observed, and I ran into the Pume members on my way back! To be honest, I only recognized Sakura-chan, haha."
The translation of the tweet is: "This year's support starts tomorrow! SEVEN COLORS presents moxymill Debut Live on January 25, 2025 (Saturday) at Musashino Forest Sports Plaza Main Arena. I want both Rio-chan, whom I supported in the Nippon Idol competition, and Nako-chan, whom I supported in the JK Miss Contest, to debut!"
今年の推し始めは明日! SEVEN COLORS presents moxymill Debut Live 2025 1月25日(土) 武蔵野の森総合スポーツ プラザ メインアリーナ 日プで推したりおちゃん、JKミスコンで推したのなちゃん、2人ともデビューして欲しいなー! pic.x.com/DqANoqSMOg
"To everyone in the Ebi-chu Family's Japan Pro Girls Branch (?), please come and witness the debut live of Japan Pro Girls finalist Ria Kitazato! 😭 The venue is the Musashino Forest Sports Plaza, where Ebi-chu held their opening live event. 🏀 Admission is free (with a 300 yen fee), so please come...!"
"Celebrating my birthday with Pokémon and Animal Crossing~ I usually play Splatoon, but I really wanted to try having a private birthday party, but I don't have that much time."
ポケモンとあつ森で誕生日祝う~スプラは普通にやるけど 本当は誕生日プラベとかやってみたかったんだけどそんなに時間ないわ
The tweet translates to: "I thought the kid in the Cleanup commercial was the one from Muji? So I looked it up and it was Mori-kun. I've poured so much passion into Produce that I haven't forgotten any memories from six years ago, even though I can't remember what I had for breakfast today."
"Chanmina... I became a huge fan through the NonoGa from the girls of 'Nippon Produce'!! I listen to your songs every day. I want to go to Honda no Mori, but it doesn't have a capacity of 2000, right? 💦 I'll join the fan club and apply 💖"
The tweet translates to: "I didn't particularly think this during the Japan Produce, but recently I feel like Kitazume-san resembles Morikasu-san."
The tweet translates to: "By the way, is the training camp location for Type R at Resol Forest? Is it together with the Japan-Pop group?"