中谷 日向さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 旅行、音楽を聴く、映画鑑賞、カラオケ |
特技 | ダンス(HIPHOP)、行動に移すこと、負けず嫌い |
コメント | 本気で挑みます。精一杯頑張ります。絶対に11人に入ります。人生をかけてここまできました。 |
Coming soon ...
この日向くん木村拓哉さんに似てて めちゃくちゃかっこいい😭💜もう 大好きです #中谷日向 pic.x.com/3kQ8TjHhsZ
The tweet translates to: "This Hinata-kun looks a lot like Takuya Kimura and is super cool 😭💜 I already love him so much #HinataNakatani"
The tweet translates to: "The group's popularity and support from the younger generation is extremely important for the puzzle. Those who watched 'Nijisanji' will understand, but there were kids who had never been in the debut zone in the latter half of the show, yet they went viral on TikTok and were ultimately able to debut. Posting videos of Hinatazaka within the bounds of common sense on TikTok might be effective."
The translation of the tweet is: "I really love Hinata Nakaya in winter."
これについて、今回の日向坂の曲は日プ女子のポジション審査でいう「RUN RUN」というダンスに全振りした曲みたいな事をやりたいのかな?と妄想する仕事終わり。 因みに、気になる人は調べてみて。 めちゃくちゃ半端ない。 x.com/nmsaniamtsh5G/…
The translation of the tweet is: "Regarding this, I wonder if the Hinatazaka song this time is like a song that fully embraces the dance called 'RUN RUN' from the position evaluation of the 'Nijisanji Girls'? Just a daydream after work. By the way, if you're interested, look it up. It's incredibly amazing."
【Exchange】ENJIN Online Lottery Offering: ① B Prize KYO (Yamada Kyo) ② re-challenge Wide Cheki HYUGA (Nakatani Hinata) Looking for: A Prize or B Prize RYONO (Kusachi Ryo) (If anyone can provide a Cheki from the re-challenge lottery, I am also open to exchanging for that.)
【交換】ENJIN オンラインくじ 譲 ①B賞 KYO(山田恭) ②re-challenge ワイドチェキHYUGA (中谷日向) 求:A賞orB賞 RYONO(草地稜之) (リチャレくじのチェキをご提供可能な方いましたらそちらとの交換でも可能です)
明日は翼君と大賀君の卒業ライブ。 似ていませんが、ここ数日毎日上げていたENJINメンバーのファンアートです。 A.rik(A.rik) 中谷日向(HYUGA) 山田恭(KYO) 草地稜之(RYONO) pic.x.com/fl41XAp52n
"Tomorrow is Tsubasa-kun and Ouga-kun's graduation live. They may not look alike, but here is the fan art of the ENJIN members that I've been posting every day for the past few days. A.rik (A.rik) Nakaya Hinata (HYUGA) Yamada Kyo (KYO) Kusachi Ryo no (RYONO) pic.x.com/fl41XAp52n"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Enjin past trading cards and CDs for purchase and exchange. 【Offering】 Images 【Looking for】 Purchase >>> JO1 related. I hope for shipping and PayPay transfer. Please feel free to reach out 🙇🏻♀️ #EnjinPurchase #JO1Exchange 🔎 A.rik RYONO TSUBASA HYUGA TOY TAIGA SOL KYO Masaru Fukuchi Ryozu Kusachi Tsubasa Takizawa Hinata Nakatani Nobuaki Taiga Nakamoto Sol Miyazato Yasushi Yamada pic.x.com/oOgw4Dc5qY"
This year's successful female idols, those who became popular, and the songs that went viral—there's a flow from groups like Furupapa and Tokisen to ME:I, gaining momentum among younger audiences from the "Nippon Idol" scene. It feels like the image of fans for groups like Hinatazaka and Equal Love is that of casual entertainment lovers rather than dedicated idol fans.