中里 空さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ダンス、ファッション |
特技 | ダンス、歌 |
コメント | これまで韓国に行ってレッスンをたくさん受けたり、やれることをすべてしてきたので、今回このチャンスは絶対逃しません!!みんなのビタミンになります!!! |
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Favorite song 2024 🎧 I thought, 'ZB1, when I hear 'Produce 101', it still makes me feel a bit sad...' so I hadn't listened to it, but the moment this started playing, the refreshing, blue, sparkling beautiful surface of the water and sky came to mind, and I've been listening to it every day. I love it. #ZEROBASEONE #ZB1 #Only_One_Story open.spotify.com/track/1mcNZCvc…"
The tweet translates to: "Hori Hori, I wonder if Miona wanted to participate in the Japan Produce (program). Did she get rejected during the document screening...? Beyond the sky... tomorrow is already waiting..."
4回裏・桐光学園攻撃 P田中葵 1番から 黄 左飛 白鷹 遊ゴロE 皆川 少し引っ掛けたが強いフライの右安で一二塁 中里 空三振 佐々木 二ゴロ 市ヶ尾0-5桐光学園
泡とか晴れた空がよく似合うMV/曲が だーーーいすきな私が選ぶ好きpop⬇️ ナヨン pop /ASTRO candy suger pop/ 日プ popcorn / 🆕✨✨うぃし poppop
久しぶりに日プ無印のHIGHLIGHT 1班を見返した🕺 こんなにダメ出しされて… しんどいところからめちゃくちゃ仕上げてきたんだな🥲︎ そして空くんは一番年下だけど精神年齢いくつなんやってくらい大人 見る時はたいてい年単位ぶりなので毎回新鮮な気持ちで見ちゃう🫧
On March 15, Pupu-chan 🐀 went to the sky 🌈. You worked so hard and ate well, you were so good. Now I'm going to run up to the sky 🌈. I hope Jiji-kun was there to keep you company so you weren't lonely. Jiji looked sad during the final farewell 😞. I will live long for Pupu-chan's sake, so please watch over Jiji 🌈🐀. #RainbowGroup #Degus pic.x.com/Y0ohtZC3WC
3月15日 ププちゃん🐀お空行きました🌈 沢山頑張って ご飯食べて偉かったね。 今からお空へ駆け上がります🌈 ジジ君が寄り添ってくれてたから寂しくなかったかな? ジジは最後のお別れ寂しそうだったな😞 ププちゃんの分も長生きするからジジを見守っててね🌈🐀 #虹組 #デグー pic.x.com/Y0ohtZC3WC
"Yesterday was Shiro-chan's birthday private party 🎂♡ We took photos all dressed up in gear that represents Shiro-chan, and they turned out so cute 🥹! The one where we fought with gyro OFF and reversed up, down, left, and right was so confusing and funny lol. There were only people looking at the sky and people looking at the ground 😂. Thank you, Nyami-chan, for the fun event ♡ Happy birthday, Shiro-chan! ♡"
昨日はしろちゃんお誕生日プラベ🎂♡ しろちゃんといえばのギアで揃えて 写真撮ったのかわいすぎる🥹! ジャイロOFF+上下左右リバースで戦うやつ 意味わからんくておもしろかったww 空見てる奴と地面見てる奴しかおらん😂 にゃみちゃん楽しい企画をありがとー♡ しろちゃんお誕生日おめでとー♡ pic.x.com/a3vYtImk3I
"I'm going crazy because I want to see Produce 46 so badly. Miu Murayama's 'TOXIC,' Airi Taniguchi and Yoko Shogenji's 'popcorn,' Satsuki Sugawara's 'AtoZ,' and Misora Ichinose's '&ME'..."
The tweet translates to: "Yamazaki Sora from Body & Soul is as soulful as Sakura Miu from Produce 101 Japan Season 3, amazing!"
Body & Soulの山﨑空さん、日プ3の櫻井美羽くらいSoulだすげえ
The tweet translates to: "Kyosuke Fujimaki's 'Minna Sora no Shita' reminded me of that feeling I had the first time I listened to someone else's song and cried, instead of a bouquet from Produce 101. #INI #SoloConcert #KyosukeFujimaki"
The beginning of Aoki's "Glamorous Sky," with the line "Ah~ looking up~" and those sharp, three-white-eye looks, is the best. The sharp glances beautifully complement the bridal outfit. It's pure art. Plus, the way he shifts his gaze in "I Want to Go Back to That Morning" reminds me of when Sora Nakazato was next to him. It really brings back memories of the first time I heard Aoki's singing voice, that moment of excitement. #JO1 #AokiKinjou #SoloConcert