中里 空さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ダンス、ファッション |
特技 | ダンス、歌 |
コメント | これまで韓国に行ってレッスンをたくさん受けたり、やれることをすべてしてきたので、今回このチャンスは絶対逃しません!!みんなのビタミンになります!!! |
Coming soon ...
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Favorite song 2024 🎧 I thought, 'ZB1, when I hear 'Produce 101', it still makes me feel a bit sad...' so I hadn't listened to it, but the moment this started playing, the refreshing, blue, sparkling beautiful surface of the water and sky came to mind, and I've been listening to it every day. I love it. #ZEROBASEONE #ZB1 #Only_One_Story open.spotify.com/track/1mcNZCvc…"
好き曲2024🎧 ゼベワン「プデュか〜私はエクワン流れると未だに切なくなるからな〜〜」と思っちゃって聞く事なかったんだけど、これ流れてきた瞬間あまりにも爽やかで青くキラキラ綺麗に輝く水面と空が浮かんできて、毎日聴いてる。好き。 #ZEROBASEONE #ZB1 #Only_One_Story open.spotify.com/track/1mcNZCvc…
The tweet translates to: "Hori Hori, I wonder if Miona wanted to participate in the Japan Produce (program). Did she get rejected during the document screening...? Beyond the sky... tomorrow is already waiting..."
先日の合同お誕生日プラベでスティック縛りやったんだけど… これはオフロしか勝たん!!! あ〜空がキレイだなぁ〜とか言いながらやってたわ🤣 pic.x.com/VSQ0aPWjhn
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Today, January 12 (Sunday) 💜 Puoma 💜's 11 PM slot has been canceled, so we will start accepting reservations from now. Reception date and time: Until 9 PM on January 12 (Sunday) 🈳 11 PM. We are waiting for your applications via DM! #HC_Phalaenopsis"
本日 1/12(日) 💜プオマ💜の23時枠が キャンセルとなったためただいまより ご予約を開始致します 受付日時 1/12(日)21時まで 🈳 23時 DMにて お申し込みをお待ちしております! #HC_Phalaenopsis
"Naoko's debut‼️ The parents' generation keeps muttering this to themselves. Among the girls from 'Produce Japan,' I'm supporting Munen and Rino, and from 'NoNoGirls,' I'm cheering for NAOKO and JISOO. I've cleared my schedule for tomorrow at 2 PM, so I'm really looking forward to it. That said, none of them have given up on debuting☺️🍀 #NoNoGirls"
ナオコデビュー‼️と独り言をずっと唱える親世代。日プ女子では文寧と梨乃、ノノガではNAOKO・JISOOを推してます。明日の14時から予定を空にしてるので今から楽しみです。とはいえ全員デビュー諦めてません☺️🍀 #NoNoGirls
"I took a picture of the sky on the release date of Kazunari Mamehara's PLANJ (January 10) as a memento, but the color of the sky was so much like Produce 101 Japan, it feels unreal. pic.x.com/Htlvq8wbq0"
The tweet translates to: "I really love the girls from 'Nippon Produce,' but my favorite is when my bias sings 'Higher,' which is more sparkling than the colored sky."
"I've known about you since Produce, but I never thought the day would come when we could take a cheki together like this... You were super cute on stage, and I had so much fun talking with you. I'll wear pink again and come to see you! #LookLookBibiChan #CanToo #MurakawaHian"
プデュの時から認知してたけどまさかこうやって一緒にチェキを撮る日が来るなんて… ステージ上でもめっちゃ可愛かったし喋っててすごく楽しかったな またピンク着て空いに行きます #みてみてびびちゃん #きゃんちゅー #村川緋杏 pic.x.com/OXqobMSkCM
"My first-year high school son started watching 'Nijisanji Project 3' since New Year's. With some free time on his hands, we watched it together again. On the second round, I noticed that Morokono-chan is a great singer! She's quite outstanding, but I guess she didn't get enough screen time, which is why she fell short. Being pushed by the management during the survival show is important. I'm looking forward to her success! I wonder what will happen with Nonoga... I'm hoping for everyone's debut!"
高1ムスッコが正月から日プ3を見始める。暇を持て余して再び一緒に鑑賞。 2周目で気付いた点として、 茂呂空音ちゃん歌上手! 割と断トツレベルだけど、分量足りてないから落ちたんやろな。サバ番で運営に推されるって大事。活躍を期待!はたしてノノガはどうなるのか。。 全員デビューに期待!