中里 空さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ダンス、ファッション |
特技 | ダンス、歌 |
コメント | これまで韓国に行ってレッスンをたくさん受けたり、やれることをすべてしてきたので、今回このチャンスは絶対逃しません!!みんなのビタミンになります!!! |
Coming soon ...
その時いっぱい聞いてた音楽ってその時の自分の状況を思い出させるやんか、 日プの&meとかtoxic聞いたらバンクーバーの冷たい部屋と暗い空思い出すし Me:Iのclick聴いたらケロウナでひとりぼっちの部屋思い出す(笑)
Goodbye Youth - PRODUCE 101 JAPAN ver. - PRODUCE 101 JAPAN lin.ee/b7Syq7q #LINEMUSIC #Unlimited listening from classic hits to the latest hits #MyPlaylist The theme is "Goodbye" A song filled with various memories from the audition program, that's the impression ✨ Goodbye, our youth ✨ Our future is in a different sky.
さよなら青春-PRODUCE 101 JAPAN ver. - PRODUCE 101 JAPAN lin.ee/b7Syq7q #LINEMUSIC #名曲から最新ヒットまで聴き放題 #マイプレイリスト テーマ️は「 #サヨナラ」 オーディション番組での 色んな記憶が詰まった楽曲 そんな印象 ✨サヨナラ 僕らの青春 ✨僕らの未来は違う空
【#RealRomantic🌹#BLOOMING Release】 We were able to debut #SORA from the many applications we received. The producer is Kanata Nakamura, who works on songs for the Japanese program. natalie.mu/music/news/602… This is a spin-off of the Japanese program, including Hinata Takahashi, Rin Uchiyama, and Karin Tanabe. Thank you for your support! #IWantToBeATrainee pic.x.com/UmBtm5AkKy x.com/sunny_audition…
【#RealRomantic🌹#BLOOMINGリリース】 沢山のご応募を頂いた中から#SORAをデビューさせる事が出来ました プロデューサーは 日プの楽曲を手がける中村彼方さん。 natalie.mu/music/news/602… #高橋妃那 #内山凜 #田邊果凜 ちゃんを含む日プの派生です 応援よろしくお願い致します #練習生になりたい pic.x.com/UmBtm5AkKy x.com/sunny_audition…
I'm relaxing in my room 💘🈳 Every Friday is busy because I have to watch NonoGa and Typelo. Last year, I also spent New Year's watching "NipPo," right?
おへやのんびり中です💘🈳 毎週金曜日はいそがしい なぜならノノガとタイプロを観なくてはいけないから 去年も日プで年を越したよね
久しぶりに日プのラミライ見た♡♡ 空くんの声好きなんよね💕︎ 早くJO1にもEXOやって欲しいな~
"I watched the 'Nippon Produce' Ramirai for the first time in a while ♡♡ I really like Sora-kun's voice 💕︎ I hope JO1 will do EXO soon~"
The only DOMINO I saw live was when Sora Nakazato was dancing wildly in the waiting seat for eliminated trainees during the finals. That was the only DOMINO, right? 😂
I don't know about Kokoro-chan before "Nippo," but thinking about how she mentioned "Dakara Boku wa Ongaku o Yameta" as one of her favorite songs makes me feel emotional, especially the part "Hateshinai Sora ni Jibun Miushinai Samayotte Shimau." It makes me want to cry.
The tweet translates to: "C melody? The high notes of Bun'nen at the beginning (in the blue sky~...) gave me chills, reminding me of the one-phrase killer era of NiziU, of course in a good way! #ME_I_tomorrow #ME_I_grasp_tomorrow"
The tweet translates to: "I was just watching 'Nippon Produce'! Soratsuna (Soratsuna) is famous. It's Dokyum! I went to see 'Excalibur' and was so moved that I regretted not being able to go to the re-performance due to COVID, so I quit being a fan (so cute). I want you to see Riku next time too! ❣️ #mond_NekomatsuKogoro mond.how/ja/topics/cuvy…"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "Keito Kimura (my favorite), Makoto Hasegawa (my favorite), Sorato Okura (my favorite among Genji-bu), Haru Okubo (I kept voting for him until he got eliminated in Produce 101), Masaru Kasamatsu (I liked him enough to send a follow request during his private account period and was viewing his posts). What is this amazing drama? 😭😭😭😭" (Note: The link at the end appears to be an image link and is not translated.)