シュイ ルォウェイさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | ダンス / 乗馬 / 水泳 / Dancing / Horseback riding / Swimming |
特技 | モノマネ(猫・犬) / Vocal mimicry (cat, dog) |
コメント | ギャップのある清純クールキャット / An innocent and confident cat with surprising charms |
Coming soon ...
"I'm so surprised to learn that Ruowei from Garupla is a student at Tsinghua University. She's not just cute and smart; she's on a genius level, it's scary!!!!"
The tweet translates to: "I miss Wutami, at first I thought it was Ruowei (Garupla fan)."
Happy Birthday #XURUOWEI 🎉🎉 Happy birthday, Mr. シュイルォウェイ! ✨✨ Mr. シュイルォウェイ turns 24 years old 😘 kpopjuice.com/member/xu_ruo_… #Happy_XURUOWEI_day #HappyXURUOWEIday #GirlsPlanet999
Happy BirthDay #XURUOWEI🎉🎉 #シュイルォウェイ さん、誕生日おめでとうございます✨✨ シュイルォウェイさんは24歳になります😘 kpopjuice.com/member/xu_ruo_… #Happy_XURUOWEI_day #HappyXURUOWEIday #GirlsPlanet999
Shuizuin-chan, who appeared in Galpla, I follow on Instagram, but I don't know what she's doing now, but when I see her dancing, I wish she had made her debut.
When it comes to Luo Wei, who attends the graduate school of Tsinghua University (!), her appearance on the romance reality show "Heartbeat at 20" was announced at noon today. The filming location of the program is Bangkok, Thailand. Since her elimination from Gulpura, this should be her first appearance on a program. pic.twitter.com/C5VbZx3vCH
Sakurai and Ikema made their debut, Kotone Shuinen won first place, and Yuda Yonkamu made a comeback, but how are the ghosts of GalPra doing? (lol)
I've been thinking lately about who my favorite faces in Tales of Eternia are, and I still love Shion and Meredy's faces the most. (I love Chinese beauties) I voted for Shion and Meredy during the Tales of Eternia popularity poll. I also liked Sakamoto Shihona's face. (Ah...)