キム スンヒョクさんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
Coming soon ...
青春スターを守る「社会的資本」が必要だ 孤立感が大きくなると極限状態に…芸能界にも「人的セーフティネット」が必要 キム・ホンシク (大衆文化評論家) 2025.3.12 Biz韓国 bizhankook.com/bk/article/292… ーーー…
The tweet translates to: "We need 'social capital' to protect youth stars. As feelings of isolation increase, they can reach extreme states... The entertainment industry also needs a 'human safety net.' Kim Hong-sik (cultural critic) 2025.3.12 Biz Korea bizhankook.com/bk/article/292… ーーー…"
zmedia.twitren.com/drama/247749/ キム・チョンハから動画メッセージが到着!約11ヶ月ぶりのアルバムをPR「共感と癒しを届けます」 … 『青春スター』ABEMAで無料配信中. ABEMA_K-POP・韓国ドラマ(アベマ)【公式】•259K vi … #KPOP
Here's the translation of the tweet text: "A video message from Kim Chung-ha has arrived! Promoting her album after about 11 months, she says, 'I will deliver empathy and healing'... 'Youth Star' is currently available for free streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] • 259K views... #KPOP"
テヒョン君の歌声を聴いてたら こちらのデュエットも聴きたくなりました🥹ハモりが最高🎤 【青春スター】ボーカル派 キム・テヒョン&ペク・ヒヨン ♬The Man,The Woman - Vibe youtu.be/7eVvz4iESW0?si… @YouTube pic.x.com/GZNrVroOkR
Here's the translation of the tweet: "Listening to Taehyung's singing made me want to hear this duet too 🥹 The harmonies are amazing 🎤 【Youth Star】 Vocalists Kim Taehyung & Baek Hyun ♬ The Man, The Woman - Vibe youtu.be/7eVvz4iESW0?si… @YouTube pic.x.com/GZNrVroOkR"
見ちゃうよね〜!!! 感動!!!😭✨😭✨ 【青春スター】アイドル派 イ・テウ&キム・ジュンス&ドウォン&ハ・ソクヒ&パク・ミングン♬DNA - BTS@# 6本選2R Full ver.... youtu.be/7uTSqftGrlk?si… @YouTubeより
The tweet translates to: "[Kstyle 13th Anniversary] A congratulatory message has arrived from Kim Jae-young! – YouTube ... The audition show 'Youth Star' is currently streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] ..."
The tweet translates to: "[Kstyle 13th Anniversary] A congratulatory message has arrived from Kim Jae-young! – YouTube ... The audition show 'Youth Star' is currently streaming on ABEMA. ABEMA_K-POP, Korean Drama (Abema) [Official] ... #KPOP"
The tweet translates to: "Kim Taehyun from Youth Star TOP7 is currently on Instagram Live. He's chatting while munching on shellfish (as expected from an island guy). I'm looking forward to him singing soon 💕 #YouthStar #김태현"
"Chiru-san, it's been two years, but I'm still a huge fan of Seishun Star. Soyu-san and Angel Star, as well as the reactions of the girls who participated in the auditions, truly represented the feelings of all girls. Kim Ina-san and Lee Won-seok-san were also amazing. If Yunna-san had been there in that episode, it would have been a scream and a huge deal!"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "#nSSign #ENSSIGN #YouthStar #IneedUbehind #Doha #Junhyuk #Robin #Lawrence #Seunghyuk #Junhyuk's singing voice echoes in the practice room 【Youth Star】Play Team Vlog ♬I NEED U - BTS / Kim Seunghyuk & Yang Junhyuk & Yoon Doha & Robin & Lawrence | ABE... youtu.be/8GjCdjpi0o8?si… pic.x.com/1BUXfMnAR6"
Here’s the translation of the tweet: "#nSSign #ENSSIGN #YouthStar #IneedUbehind #Doha #Junhyuk #Robin #Lawrence #Seunghyuk #Junhyuk's singing voice echoes in the practice room 【Youth Star】Play Team Vlog ♬I NEED U - BTS / Kim Seunghyuk & Yang Junhyuk & Yoon Doha & Robin & Lawrence | ABE... youtu.be/8GjCdjpi0o8?si… pic.x.com/1BUXfMnAR6"
"I went to see this again ↓ When I watch this, I can see how tremendously Roloz has grown!! Junyuk and Doha 【Youth Star】 Idol faction Seunghyuk & Junyuk & Doha & Robin & Lawrence ♬I NEED U - BTS youtu.be/isyx79JgH3E?si… via @YouTube"
"Kim Beul-reum, who appeared on 'Youth Star,' has announced their 1st album. I'm looking forward to it!"