結城 樹さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 釣り、ダーツ、ゴルフ、ビリヤード、スノーボード、ボーリング、バレー、サッカー、スケートボード |
特技 | 釣り、スノーボード、サッカー、将棋、けん玉、ボーリング、ビリヤード、韓国語少し |
コメント | 極度の負けず嫌いな僕にとって、このフィールドは最高の場所だと思います。歌もダンスもまだまだ下手ですが、負けないために誰よりも時間をかけて練習し、食らいついていきたいと思います。 |
Coming soon ...
The tweet translates to: "Saito Kira from 'Nippon Produce' has won overwhelmingly!"
日プ世界の齋藤樹愛羅 ぶっちぎりの優勝だよ
昨日は久しぶりに樹くんとオンラインで少しだけ話しました! 話すの久しぶりすぎて心臓がバクバクでしたが、話せて楽しかったです♪ 元気そうな顔が見れて良かったです! #結城樹
樹くんのト-ク会めちゃくちゃ緊張したけど楽しかったな🥹 ありがとう〜♡(> ਊ <)♡ #結城樹 #オンライントーク会 pic.x.com/0N7YPxGW5p
"I briefly imagined a world where Ripa was on 'Nippon Produce,' and I thought that with her cute face and voice, her dancing skills, and most importantly, her clumsy and lovable personality, viewers would instantly fall for her. There's no doubt she would have been a contestant who could survive in the survival show."
"Yesterday, I talked online with Juki-kun for the first time in a while! I was so nervous since it had been so long since we talked, but it was fun to chat♪ I'm glad I got to see his cheerful face! #YuukiJuki"
"I was super nervous during Juki-kun's talk event, but it was really fun 🥹 Thank you~ ♡ (> ਊ <)♡ #YukiJuki #OnlineTalkEvent"
The tweet translates to: "I felt a sense of uniqueness seeing the word 'Yuki' (樹) 😌"
"I've watched EP1 multiple times, so I remember it well, but I had the impression that Shori-kun was praising Iwasaki-kun very specifically. When Sexy Zone debuted, I liked Shori-kun and casually supported him since he was doing shows with Maki. I thought, 'He must be a really nice person to praise like that,' and when I looked into it, I realized he was someone who appeared on 'Nijisanji Produce'!"
The tweet translates to: "Fureppa's Koja is flowing in an unbelievable way, but as a baseball player, he has too much talent as an idol. When he reaches a tough age, he should consider participating in something like Produce 101."
"My friend was supporting Juki in 'Nippon Pro' and now he's playing Kaido in 'Tenimyu,' so Kaido is such a great kid! We were talking about how Juki must also be a hard worker and a good kid to have been chosen for this role. It was the kindest conversation we've had recently."
IS:SUE has really transformed since the time of the Japan-Pop audition a year ago✨ Especially YUKI-chan😳 #MStation
The tweet translates to: "Is it really okay to be in Hiroshima when both Kocchan and Itsuki from 'Nippon Produce' are participating...?"
"I was watching 'Nippon Produce 2' through Juki-san, and I can't help but feel that Rihito-san has a lot of Juki-san's resemblance. Also, when Matsumoto Asahi-san smiles, his mouth looks just like Juki-san's."