(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) go go Yutaka goo
趣味 | フィギュア収集 |
特技 | 開脚 |
コメント | 僕の声で世界中の人を笑わせたいです。 |
Coming soon ...
ゆづちゃんどうこうよりも私的にはあの野嵜豊と宮島優心が同じ画角にいること自体エモエモのエモ まじで日プ無印の国プとボイプラのスタクリは何も考えず全員集合するべき案件 ゆづちゃんのことはあまり知らなくてごめん #PRODUCE101JAPAN1 #日プ無印 #BOYSPLANET #ボイプラ x.com/0921_hana/stat…
The tweet translates to: "More than anything about Yuzu-chan, personally, just the fact that Toyo Nozaki and Yushin Miyajima are in the same frame is so emotional! Seriously, the trainees from 'Produce Japan' and 'Boys Planet' should all gather together without thinking too much about it. I'm sorry I don't know much about Yuzu-chan. #PRODUCE101JAPAN1 #ProduceJapan #BOYSPLANET #BoysPlanet"
今日はボイプラに出てた野嵜豊くんの出てる舞台を観にきました👀 たのしみ! pic.x.com/AEFpGLbkqG x.com/_nozakiyutaka/…
Today, I came to see the stage performance featuring Yutaka Nozaki, who was in "Voice Project" 👀 I'm looking forward to it! pic.x.com/AEFpGLbkqG x.com/_nozakiyutaka/…
豊歌上手すぎてボイプラの分量のなさなんやってんろと改めて 鈴木拡樹存在してた 馬場くんは個人的に巻ちゃんのイメージ強かったけどシュピッツにしか見えなかった 私の推しは全員勇太くんに演じてほしい 全キャストさんキャラクターそのものに見えたし声優さんと声違和感なくて最高
The tweet translates to: "Toyoka is too good, and I realized again how little there is in the voice play. Suzuki Hiroki really exists. Personally, I had a strong image of Baba-kun as Maki-chan, but he only looked like Spitz to me. I want all my favorites to be played by Yuta-kun. All the cast members looked just like their characters, and there was no sense of discomfort between the voice actors and their voices; it was the best!"
The tweet translates to: "There was a lot of talk about Ryo Yoshizawa's Toyo-kun from 'BoiPura,' but I found Ryo Yoshizawa at Puje too~"
"I was surprised to realize today that Yutaka-kun from the voice project is playing Toto. I should have looked it up earlier! 😭😭😭"
The tweet translates to: "Isn't Ruto Iwasaki from 'Nippon Produce 1' here?! I heard YUTAKA from 'Boys Planet' was also there, and sometimes clips pop up on TikTok. It's really funny to watch Fuma Kikuchi cut down people who just want to be idols and came to audition with their timeless ignorance, lol."
日プ1の岩崎琉斗いるじゃん! ボイプラYUTAKAもいたらしいし時々TikTokで切り抜き流れてくるけどただアイドルになりたいだけのタイムレス無知でオーディション受けに来ただけの人を菊池風磨がバッサバッサ切ってて見てて面白いんだよね笑
The translation of the tweet is: "Huh, what? Was Toyo Nozaki in the voice project?"
Many people watching Typro are saying that Toyo Nazaki is the boy from Boipura, right?! 😍 This face. I didn't watch Boipura properly, but I saved a few pictures because he's cute. pic.x.com/mwnyatesxz
Ahhhhh! Is Yoshizaki Yutaka the guy who was on Voice Planet?! I remembered him because he's so handsome!! ()