(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) go go Yutaka goo
趣味 | フィギュア収集 |
特技 | 開脚 |
コメント | 僕の声で世界中の人を笑わせたいです。 |
Coming soon ...
"Wait, Toyo-kun is really cool, as expected 🥺 I was watching the Voice Planet."
"I've thought since the time of Voice Planet that Akkun and Yutaka have similar facial features."
"I thought I was the only one who left from 'BoiPura' since 0.5, escaping from the role of Fushimi Yuzuru."
The tweet translates to: "If there’s a Japan-Korea event this year, Roy will definitely dominate (even though he says he won’t this year). There’s been a gap since the end of Boys Planet, but also + Toyo Nozaki."
ロイは今年日プがあったら絶対無双する(今年やらんって言ってるけど) ボイプラ終わってから期間空いちゃったけど+野嵜豊も
The tweet translates to: "The eternal ghost of 'BoiPura' is still frozen in time at the moment when Yutaka Nozaki dropped out of the type role."
The tweet translates to: "There's Yutaka from the Boys Planet in Team C, and I'm casually looking forward to meeting him 😻❣️"
The tweet translates to: "Is Juku-kun from Boipura currently doing Tenimu? There are times when he overlaps with that scene besides Toyo-kun."
"Wait‼️ There's also the musical Toyo-kun... I'm overjoyed imagining a collaboration between 'Nippon Idol Project' and 'Boys Planet' in my mind!"
The tweet translates to: "It's Toyo-kun from Voice Planet, right?"
"I was so moved by Toyo-kun's fan meeting and his splits on 'BoiPura' that I watched it many times, so I was really happy to see it live! I was able to talk a lot, and that made me happy too... ₍ᐢ.ˬ.ᐢ₎♡ It was an incredibly fun day 🩵"
"My friend got really into Yujin, so I wanted to watch Boipura for the first time in a while. I'm currently watching the 1-minute PRs of everyone, but I wonder what Yutaka is doing now."