中村 伽羅さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 映画鑑賞 / 部屋中を音という癒で埋め尽くし瞑想すること / 写真を撮ること Watching movies / Meditation with sounds / Photography |
特技 | ボーカル / レジ打ち Vocal / Punching POS |
コメント | 線香花火のように儚く短い時間で輝きを放ち、消えた後にも余韻を残す人。になりたいです! KYARA wants to leave long-lasting impression on others like a senko hanabi |
Coming soon ...
[Day 2, Part 2] Had a lunch of Omi beef burgers in Kusatsu. Took the Tokaido Line to Kyoto. Checked out a naughty Gal Pura shop. Moved to Nagoya by Shinkansen and left my carry-on at a locker. Took the Sakuradori Line to Taiko-dori. Walked to Nakamura Park, then took the Higashiyama Line to Takahata, turned back, and headed to Nagoya.
[2日目その2] 草津で昼食に近江牛のハンバーガー 東海道線で京都へ えっちなガルプラのおみせをみる 新幹線で名古屋へ移動しロッカーにキャリーを預ける 桜通線で太閤通へ 徒歩で中村公園まで移動し東山線で高畑へ、折り返して名古屋へ
The tweet translates to: "The group with Gakupura's Oki Fuka-chan and Nakamura Kyara-chan...!"
The tweet translates to: "Girls Planet 999 Kyara-chan story 🪽 #ME_I #Miu Sakurai"
I am the main vocal of GalPra, a group of monsters with no dance experience, with just my singing voice... I am Kira.
Ranking 2nd in the Galpula I wanted to hear more singing voice, Karanakamura