西野 友也さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | サッカー、歌 |
特技 | サッカー |
コメント | このオーディションでデビューするという思いなら誰にも負けない。ダンスは初めてやったが、寝る間も惜しんで練習した。 |
Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "Shall we all think about this? Let's find Masaki Tomoya from the Japan Produce girls."
みんなでこれ、考えませんか?日プ女子の真白友也を探せ x.com/neverhaveendin…
The tweet translates to: "Shortened 'Nishino Akihiro Voicy' On November 4th, I received very reasonable opinions about 'Poupelle Ballet' in the online salon. To begin with, 'Poupelle Ballet' was planned by a complete stranger without my knowledge, so it has nothing to do with Nishino himself; he is just the original creator of the work. But I couldn't just watch, so I decided to follow along."
The tweet translates to: "Shortened 'Nishino Akihiro Voicy' September 3: My honest thoughts on the Poupelle ballet. Ticket sales are not going well. This is not the first time this has happened. The same thing occurred last year. There was a consultation with Nishino a month before the performance, but it could have been done much earlier, especially since it was decided a year ago. Organizers, stop repeating the same mistakes and do your job properly."
I want to do the popular account gestures of the Japanese Produce trainees fandom, so Touya, please audition~~~
I'll say this because Ensemble Stars does things like Nippon Budokan, but Masaomi Yuzuru, who claims to be normal and in Class C, is always giving his opinions to the Royal A-class regular Shouta Hibiki and is well-liked by him. Even if he is put in the midst of all Royal A-class members in the concept battle, he fits right in. He has the potential to become the protagonist in the final stages of Nippon Budokan.
- INI Nishikoujin Instagram post updated on January 28, 2024 (featuring rap lyrics) instagram.com/p/C2pRxd7r8Ik/... - Tomoya Matsumoto "Chemical reaction born in 'Nippon TV'. Localization and a fresh male image" ("CINRA", December 10, 2019) cinra.net/article/column...
I hope Produce doesn't turn into a 2D situation... My heart would die and Tomoya would definitely be worn out 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 Even if he's worn out, Tomoya Mashiro can recover, but that's just how it is.
I mean, that guy doesn't show up in Ansanburu Day Pro, right?? I'm all set to just watch, but it would be bad if he actually showed up.
It's seriously Produce, huh!!!!!!! I'm going to push Yuya to the top because he's my 1 pick... Mashiro Yuya 1 pick
Friend's birthday is almost over... I wanted to do a private birthday celebration for him. 🤦
I don't understand Nippon Professional Baseball, so Okawauchi-san writes "Nippon-Ham" and Nishino-san writes "Nippon-America" ...