大水 陸渡さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | 釣り、映画鑑賞、ボルダリング |
特技 | 歌を歌うこと、平泉成のモノマネ |
コメント | 歌を歌うことには自信はありますが、ダンスは未経験なのでこれから努力して周りの人に追いついていきたいと思います。 |
Coming soon ...
The translation of the tweet is: "I wish someone would say they want a scene with a bit more color during the phone call (referring to 'Oosuirikawa')."
Happy BirthDay #RIKUTO🎉🎉 #Omizu Rikuto, happy birthday✨✨ Omizu Rikuto is turning 25 😘 kpopjuice.com/member/omizu_r… #Happy_RIKUTO_day #HappyRIKUTOday #PRODUCE101JAPAN
プデュ1 ハンヘリ プデュ2 髙田健太 プデュ48 竹内美宥 プデュX ナムドヒョン 日プ 大水陸渡脱落後に與那城奨 日プ2 笹岡秀旭 日プ女子 加藤心 涙を呑んだことが多いので本当に加藤心ありがとうだよ
My favorite in Nippon Project was Daichiriku Watari (eliminated in the first round), but I was really moved by Yonapi in the final. My heart was racing during the final, it was tough even for Nippon Project girls... By the way, I was mentally destroyed because I was eliminated right before the final of Nippon Project 2, so I couldn't watch the end... Sasao Hideaki...!!
The translation of the tweet is: "Even now, my light✨ #PRODUCE101JAPAN #lemon1Group #YukiItsuki #OomizuRikuto #HataKenGo #YonashiroSho #NakamotoTaiga"
今でも私の光✨ #PRODUCE101JAPAN #lemon1組 #結城樹 #大水陸渡 #秦健豪 #與那城奨 #中本大賀 pic.x.com/wDLXNYVa4w
The translation of the tweet is: "‘Even now, you are my light’ This part really has a heartbreaking voice... everyone's expressions are heartbreaking... They are singing with so much emotion, so I hope those who are interested in 'Lemon' can listen to the camera work even just a little... 🙏 #OmiuraTaku #NakamotoTaiga #HataKengo #YukiItsuki #YonashiroSho #PRODUCE101JAPAN #NipponP"