渡辺 龍星さんへの応援コメントは、まだありません。
趣味 | スノーボード、野球、水泳、ファッション、人間観察 |
特技 | 野球、水泳、ダンス、バク転、バク宙 |
コメント | 踊りは出来ても、アクロバットもできる人は少ないと思います。なので、グループに入れたら、楽曲の中でアクロバットなどを混ぜ込みながらできるとよりよく見えると思うので全力で頑張ります。 |
Coming soon ...
プデュ無印の安慶田真樹と井上港人めっちゃ好きすぎるほんと あとヒチョンと内田脩斗と床波志音と木全翔也と佐藤景瑚と大澤駿弥と鶴房汐恩と山田恭と岡野海人と渡辺龍星とかめっちゃ好きかっこいい 多分だけど自分厚い感じの男の人好きかもしれないほんと
プデュ無印の安慶田真樹と井上港人めっちゃ好きすぎるほんと あとヒチョンと内田脩斗と床波志音と木全翔也と佐藤景瑚と大澤駿弥と鶴房汐恩と山田恭と岡野海人と渡辺龍星とかめっちゃ好きかっこいい 多分だけど自分厚い感じの男の人好きかもしれないほんと
これ3人目日プシーズン1の渡辺くんでは。 instagram.com/reel/DCqz1axTL…
日プ #5 見ました ・ななめ上原じゅーん!って私も一緒にやりたい ・ヒチョンさんのウインクなに笑 ・菅井先生の言葉じゃないけど、渡辺さんや安慶田さんみたいに自分の希望ポジション以外で頑張って順位上がるの見るのシンプルに楽しい ・内田さん残って良かった!これからも解説キャラ期待してる!
"I really love that Anketa and Watanabe Ryusei from Produce 101 are saying that Sugai-sensei is amazing. Our interpretations align perfectly!"
"I really love that Anketa and Watanabe Ryusei from Produce 101 are saying that Sugai-sensei is amazing. Our interpretations align perfectly!"
プデュ無印の安慶田とか渡辺龍星とかが菅井先生をめっちゃすごいって言ってるのがめっちゃ好き 解釈が一致すぎる
プデュ無印の安慶田とか渡辺龍星とかが菅井先生をめっちゃすごいって言ってるのがめっちゃ好き 解釈が一致すぎる
The only sad thing is that Ryusei Ozaki didn't join LAPONNE, but I really, really want him to do his best. And when the next "Nippon Produce" starts, I will definitely apply. I'm waiting!
尾崎龍星がラポネ所属にならなかったことだけが悲しいけどマジでマジで頑張ってほしい そして日プがまた始まったら絶対に受けよう 待ってます
"I really love Maki Angeta and Minato Inoue from Produce 101. Also, I really like Heecheo, Shuto Uchida, Shion Tokonami, Shoya Kimata, Keigo Sato, Shunya Osawa, Shion Tsurubo, Kyo Yamada, Kaito Okano, and Ryusei Watanabe. They’re all so cool! I think I might really like guys who have a strong presence."
The translation of the tweet is: "Isn't this Watanabe-kun from the third episode of 'Nippon's Season 1'?"
Here's the translation of the tweet: "I watched 'Nippon Project #5' - I want to do 'Naname Uehara Jun!' together too - What was that wink from Hichon? LOL - It's not exactly what Sugai-sensei said, but it's simply fun to see people like Watanabe-san and Angeta-san work hard and rise in rank even in positions other than their preferred ones - I'm glad Uchida-san is still in! I'm looking forward to more commentary from them!"
【Appearance Information】 This time, at the opening announcement event for 'Gran Hammer', our exclusive talent #RenHazuki, along with #RyuseiWatanabe, #ShunHayami, #RikuHasegawa, and #NAO, appeared as fashion show models 💃✨ Please take a look below ☺️ prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #GranHammer #BABYBOO #ModelAgency pic.x.com/U6Qcreq0Wy
Today's Music Station is amazing! There’s Yuki from the "Produce" show who admires NiziU-chan, and with IS:SUE and NiziU-chan, NiziU's admiration is for TWICE (MISAMO). While they’re doing covers with MISAMO and ME:I, we also have the nostalgic Kamenashi-kun with the juniors and Watanabe-kun from Karasawa (which account is this?).